Category : Kitchen

90 posts

…I feel very domestic. 
As in old school… starting from scratch with all basic ingredients. 
Today was one of those days.
I was inspired by this blog post by Krista to try making butter. 

Into the mixer goes the heavy whipping cream…

Several minutes of high speed mixing brought me to here…
Notice the solids separated from the liquid….that liquid would be buttermilk. Cool huh!

After draining the buttermilk off and “washing” the butter…see Krista’s recipe

  I ended up with this nice ball of butter.

Remember the buttermilk I mentioned earlier… 
Oh yeah..pancakes for lunch baby!
During the midst of all that mixing I made a batch of salsa or maybe it would be pica de gallo depending on how you want to look at it.
Aren’t veggies beautiful!?!

So my baby girl…started the process of getting braces today.
Getting the impressions taken…gack!
And having spacers put in to move the teeth slightly for the bands.

A day like today needs “special eggs”.
I’m not sure what you call them but they are “special eggs” at our house.

I also tried out a recipe I found over at the Smitten Kitchen for Whole Wheat Rhubarb muffins. I made one batch with rhubarb and one substituting the rhubarb with zucchini. 

My picky children noticed that something was up right away.
I couldn’t just pass them off as yummy streusel  muffins.

Since we were “blessed” with MORE snow today…heavy wet snow..over the top of rain and sleet…I was homebound. Not worth getting stuck, going in the ditch or getting in a wreck for basically nothing.

I decided I’d do my best to play happy homemaker.

I baked a double batch of spritz… happy spring colors of course.

And put a yummy roast in the oven.

I also had to try and save all the seeds J and I planted over the weekend.
We haven’t had a sunny or warm day since.

They were and should be here on the cart but it’s been so cold that I feared they’d rot instead of germinate.  So….

I cleared space on the mantel and turned on the fireplace to warm them. Sad but true.

I’m going to move them back to that cart tomorrow morning since it’s supposed to be sunny….not particularly warm but at least sunny.

A message left on my cupboard doors.

My BFF from high school, Sandy, shared a few of her dearly departed Grandmother’s bread recipes with me last week.

Yesterday, I tried the Honey Oatmeal bread…. As you can see, it didn’t turn out quite as planned. It’s still tasty, just short and dense.

Today I had much better results! I used her bun recipe only I made it with half wheat and half white flours instead of all white flour. I can’t wait to sample one!!

Does this look good or what?!?  I’m having some basic green tea with my new favorite sandwich. It a grilled cheese with a twist. I use olive oil on the whole wheat bread instead of butter. The cheese is provolone. To give it even more flavor I use stone ground mustard, baby spinach and sliced tomato.  OH YUM!

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today!
You’ll find the links over on Kimmie’s blog

Happy Tuesday! We’ve got light snow flurries coming down at present. But nothing like the 10+ inches of snow we got on Saturday!! That was tree branch breaking snow…this is the pretty stuff.

Today I’m having my tea with another special Norwegian treat…LEFSE. So, of course, I had to drink it out of a Scandinavian tea set.

I made the lefse on Sunday afternoon. Each time I make it I get a little better at it. I don’t use a recipe because I hate to measure. Growing up I was always around when mom made her lefse. She would talk about how it should feel, look and taste. She never measured either.

If you’d like to see what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today, please stop by Kimmie’s blog. You’ll see the Tea Tuesday blog roll in the sidebar.


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