Category : Outdoors

117 posts

yoga catYesterday was National Night Out. Our neighborhood didn’t have an event planned but a neighbor did come knock on the door saying they were having a hotdog roast and fire. Cool. I already had supper nearly finished, so we planned to join after. Of course, Gracie thought it was a good time to do a little yoga at the front door.

ping pong hailWe knew we were under a tornado watch but went out anyway…heck, we were just across the street.

The clouds and thunder rolled in and scared us home none too soon. Within a few minutes we were getting ping pong sized hail. That’s the biggest I’ve ever witnessed.

grill cover holesWe were very fortunate. We lost no tree limbs…or power. Mr. G got his car in the garage just as the hail was beginning so I don’t think there is any damage there.

This morning I went out to survey the yard. Our grill cover has several holes punched through. Again…not a big deal, other than the fact that we just bought the dumb cover a month or so ago.

sad tomatoes


My garden fared very well considering. I did lose 20+ yellow pear tomatoes but my big tomatoes suffered no loses.

Never mind the grass growing in my garden.



hail damaged hostas



My very large hosta plants seemed to have suffered the most. The 6inch wide leaves have holes ripped through them.  Again, we are very fortunate. Just about 8 miles down the road they had baseball sized hail that was taking out windows and doing much greater damage.

All in all I can’t complain. Yeah we have a little yard clean up to do but we’re all fine and the light s are on. It’s a good day.


flower doodles

I’m not excited about the colors I used on this page but I’m having a lot of fun with the doodles.  I think it’s something I’m going to play with more.

Speaking of flowers…

I’m in need to some identification of a “flower” or maybe a weed that has planted itself amongst my spirea bush.weed1

It’s quite large. The leaves are about 6 inches long and the bud it about 1.5 inches in diameter. It seemingly grew up overnight. I’m sure it didn’t and that it was working its way up while I was sick for a week.

weed2The goofy thing is tall as well. I’ve been leaving it now just to see what comes of it but would love to know if anyone could tell me ahead of time. Patience is not one of my virtues.



20130701_2329I guess the owners of the lanes probably wouldn’t let me use this bowling ball anymore. I’ve had this in my head for a long time and finally found a bowling ball at a thrift store over winter. I had the stand leftover from a table top fountain that bit the dust years ago.


The little garden is really starting to come together. I just need a few more perennials with some color and I’ll be a happy camper.

The stepping stones were made at Mother’s Day when each of my kids were 2-ish. I love seeing their tiny little foot prints saved forever in the concrete.

They both hated the process but I’m glad I did it anyway. Neither remembers it, so it’s all good. :)

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 A couple of curious crystalline fungi have appeared in my landscaping.

I haven’t decided weather or not to let them be.

I like the smaller of the two better. (second photo)

The mushroom cap has a better shape.

Please excuse the weeding that needs to be done in the mulch. I’ve had a busy week.

This was yet another project inspired by Pinterest.

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plant markersI finally got around to making the plant markers that I’ve been thinking about since last Fall.  They are just so darn cute!!

UPDATE:  I really should have explained what I did with these. Everyone is asking so…

I dipped the spoons in ordinary black craft paint and hung them to dry. I used a white colored pencil to write on them. It’s currently raining…so far so good on it not washing off. Only time will tell. If it’s a grand fail I’ll let you all know in a new post. :)

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Most of the seeds I started have come up.

They have also survived Gracie. I put some tin foil up around the sides as some suggested that cats hate tin foil. Seems to have worked so far.

I have 3 varieties of tomatoes, basil, thyme and parsley. My green onions have yet to sprout so I’m thinking  that I’ll have to try again with some other seed.

I just love to look at the tiny little plants though, knowing the yummy goodness to come.


Now if only Mother Nature would cooperate….20130411_1720 20130411_1719

My gardens are a little full of snow right now from the latest storm.

We had thunder and lightning with the snowfall this morning. Crazy Spring!! With more on the way.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the snow. It provided much need moisture for the ground…I just wasn’t excited about the timing.

seed cupsI got these started last week and now have a few bits of green coming up.  My biggest concern now is how am I going to keep the cat from grazing on my little sprouts!

I’m thinking of wrapping the plant cart in some netting we have…if I can remember where I stashed it.

Anyone have any tips for me on keeping the cat from grazing on my tender new veggie plants??


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