Category : Around home

219 posts

…I feel very domestic. 
As in old school… starting from scratch with all basic ingredients. 
Today was one of those days.
I was inspired by this blog post by Krista to try making butter. 

Into the mixer goes the heavy whipping cream…

Several minutes of high speed mixing brought me to here…
Notice the solids separated from the liquid….that liquid would be buttermilk. Cool huh!

After draining the buttermilk off and “washing” the butter…see Krista’s recipe

  I ended up with this nice ball of butter.

Remember the buttermilk I mentioned earlier… 
Oh yeah..pancakes for lunch baby!
During the midst of all that mixing I made a batch of salsa or maybe it would be pica de gallo depending on how you want to look at it.
Aren’t veggies beautiful!?!

On yet another beautiful morning, I am having a little quiet time on the deck before diving into the day.
Days like today remind me why we put up with the extremes of Minnesota weather.  
We’ve been blessed with an abundant garden once I figured out how to keep the critters at bay. The fencing and the flags along with an occasional sprinkle of blood meal seem to have done the trick.
I’ve picked a couple ice cream buckets full of green beans…  
Enough snow peas for stir-fry and munching…

Several big, yummy cucumbers 
with more on the way…

Very soon I’ll have more tomatoes than I know what to do with…
I can’t wait!
And by the way…
our leaves are starting to turn… 
just a few here and there. 
What a short growing season!

Drop by my friend Kimmie’s blog to see what’s going on with my tea Tuesday pals.
What are you doing today?

So I go out to check the side garden this morning and the deer have eaten the tops off my green beans and snow pea plants. Wasn’t that nice of them…pesky things.  So I decided that maybe some flags would scare them…create some movement…and generally get in the way of their snacking. Bonus…I think they look cute.  We’ll see what happens.

The garden box is also doing very well.  There are tons of little green tomatoes on the plants. 

Check it out … 

Nature is funny at times.

The weather has taken a turn for the better so I took my coffee outside this morning.

We decided it was time to start harvesting some from the garden. It’s nice to have little hands to help in the garden.

Have a great day!!

I’ll be getting my package ready to mail off to Elizabeth today.

I can only show you a tiny snippet or two of  her rust and white pages until she receives them.

I used both rusted fabric

and rusted paper to create my pages.

I hope Elizabeth likes them!!

Before I let you go, I just had to share these flowers…
I picked all of them from my yard.
Did I mention that I love flowers!?!?

So my baby girl…started the process of getting braces today.
Getting the impressions taken…gack!
And having spacers put in to move the teeth slightly for the bands.

A day like today needs “special eggs”.
I’m not sure what you call them but they are “special eggs” at our house.

I also tried out a recipe I found over at the Smitten Kitchen for Whole Wheat Rhubarb muffins. I made one batch with rhubarb and one substituting the rhubarb with zucchini. 

My picky children noticed that something was up right away.
I couldn’t just pass them off as yummy streusel  muffins.

I’m not going to lie…it’s still coffee in my cup.
I wanted to get outside and check on my plants. 
The squirrels have been driving me crazy with their digging!!
Ok, my green onions are fine. 
Maybe the movement of the pinwheel is helping. 
Happy Flag Day!
Oh good, my newly transplanted rhubarb looks like it’s finally starting to accept its new home.
This is my latest goofy attempt to keep the squirrels out of my lettuce box. 
It looks like I’m trying to grow sticks. Not liking the look.
Hey, where did the sun go??
I better finish up my coffee so I can get the rest of my planting done before it decides to rain.
Thanks for stopping by for tea…oh, yeah…coffee with me.
Remember to swing my Kimmie’s blog for the full list of Tea Tuesday participants.


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