Tag : not art at all

110 posts

I made a couple more “busy bags” this morning after the kids dentist appointment.

Between lunch and another appointment, I took our boy and a neighbor kid sledding to a near by, awesomely big and fast sledding hill. A photographer for the local newspaper was there snapping photos…we’ll have to wait and see if our kiddo makes the paper.

I happened upon this awesome tray in the 90% off Christmas clearance at Super Target yesterday.

Who can pass it up at that price!

I love the tray but now what do I put in it?

It’s 16 inches square and the sides are about 2 inches high.

Any decorators out there?


This is what I spent the morning making! The first 6 or so didn’t turn out but the next 50+ turned out just fine. Tricky little buggers to make but oh so good to eat!

Every morning I’ve been waking up to find this at my front door.

Today I made a draft stop to hopefully help…my only worry is that it will be froze to the door in the morning.

The curtains in my son’s room and the ones on the patio door have both been froze to the 3M window kits we put on them. I can’t even imagine how cold it would be if they weren’t on!

I filled the fabric tube with old towel scraps and used baggies filled with rice and beans. Last time I made one of these we had a cat so I had kitty litter laying around.

My friend Elizabeth tagged me yesterday.

I’m supposed to share 6 quirky things about myself, then tag five other friends.

So here goes:

  1. I eat m&m’s in the order of which ever color there are the most of until I get an even number of each color then proceed to eat an entire color at once.
  2. I love soup and could eat it for every meal.
  3. I have a high pain tolerance.
  4. I think I look better with glasses than without.
  5. I want a tattoo but am afraid of what it will look like in 20 years.
  6. I love mini-vans…even if we won the lottery I still drive one…just a REALLY nice one.

Now I tag:
Theresa http://alteredaddict.blogspot.com/
Ingrid http://ingriddijkers.blogspot.com/
Dana http://dana-whatadoll.blogspot.com/
Linda http://theartsook.blogspot.com/
Marci http://marcisenders.typepad.com/

How much fun can be had with a simple cardboard box?!? Hours when it comes to our girl!

I grew up in a household that had many collections. Rocks, sea shells, fancy tea cup and saucers sets just to name a few.
Over the years I’ve gotten rid of most of my “dust catcher” collections and now only collect items that are useful, such as my Fiestaware.
These are our everyday dishes as well as our “fancy” dishes.

I also have a vast fabric stash and scrapbook papers but they fall into the useful collection in my book. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

Do you collect anything? I’d love to hear about it or see a picture.


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