Tag : T Tuesday

334 posts

This past weekend was one that filled my heart. J came home on Wednesday night for the first time in 2.5 months. It was really great to have him at home again. He left again Sunday afternoon but Thanksgiving really isn’t that far away. 

Then Mini-me and I shared a little treat together before heading off to the mall. We were both in search of shoes. While we were there I asked her if she wanted to go to Barnes & Noble to see if her magazine was on the shelf.

It sure was! Her look of glee was priceless! She had already gotten her complementary copy but seeing it on the shelf makes it even more real. Here she is taking a photo to send to her friends. It’s so funny that the girl pictured along with Mini-me’s words happens to look A LOT like her from behind. Crazy coincidence since the publishers didn’t know what she looked like. 

The magazine was featured as one of the Trending magazines on the newsstand. How cool is that!?! I’m so proud of her.

I’m still plugging away at my new journal. I decided to gut the rest of these books since they really aren’t good for anything but fodder for other projects. 

After removing the text block I go through and remove any images for future use. It seems the older the copy, the more images I like. 

This book was just too pretty for me to gut yet. The cover makes me think of mid-century bark cloth. So pretty.

I’m thinking about putting together a December Daily journal. Over the last few years I’ve noticed some posts and social media chatter about them but figured it wasn’t my thing. Now I’m thinking about giving it a whirl. Now that I’ve figured out the multi-picture prints on one print..(I’ll have to do a tutorial)…I think that I might be able to keep up with both words and photos throughout the season.

Have you ever played along with December Daily?

Last week was a 3 day workweek for me. Schools in MN have a long MEA (Minnesota Education Assocation) weekend off of school. Most families use this 4 day weekend to get away from it all before winter hits in full force. We used part of our weekend to visit J at college for parent weekend.

Even though we’ve been to the Twin Ports area loads of times, this time I decided to play tourist a little more since we were exploring more than just Canal Park In Duluth, MN.

I loved the old signs on this building in Superior, WI.

Some of you know this but others don’t….I HATE BRIDGES. No seriously…its a problem. Near phobia status. And there are two big ones that we use to cross back and forth from MN to WI. 

I honestly kept myself busy snapping photos with my photo so I wouldn’t have to think too hard about the fact that we were on a super long bridge high above the water or land depending on what part of the bridges. ICK!!!! Gives me goose bumps.

After we had crossed the dreaded bridge for the third time we stopped and had a drink and appetizers at a local bar. I had a darn good Bloody Mary with beer chaser. The chaser is called a snit around here.

It was a nice weekend although it was cold and windy. But not as windy as it had been about 10 days before that. A crazy storm whipped up and there were gale force winds hitting the harbor.

This is an old photo for reference of the flooded walkway.

Check out this video…

Isn’t that crazy!! It’s weather like that that the Edmund Fitzgerald (made famous by Gordon Lightfoot in his song Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald) went down in.  Speaking of crazy…J and his buddies decided it would be really fun to go down to Canal Park since they heard it was flooding. The wind and waves weren’t quite as bad but the canal was still flooded at the time. The invincible 18 yr olds went and stood in the knee deep flooded canal walkway while the snow came down sideways. Thankfully all was fine and I didn’t see any of these crazy videos until morning.  Grey hairs people….grey.

I did a bunch of journal writing about this event. I saw the most amazing photo on FB of a wave crashing against the North Pier lighthouse by Charles Howard Smith.

I’ve created a few more pages that are more personal. In addition I got my title page done.

I’ll add then end date when I feel I’m done. I’ve started adding smaller photos to my journal for visuals as well. I’ve started resizing several images to fit on a standard photo print. It’s cheaper to print and better quality than printer ink on paper in my opinion.

See how I’m able to get many small images on a 4×6 print. This way I can add a little image without taking up an entire page in the journal.

I’ll be doing more of these type for sure. I’m loving how this is evolving for me.

Work and raking on are the agenda for me…
What are you doing today?

This edition of T stands for Tuesday is going to be short and sweet. Little more than the required beverage and a few words about my week.

The past week was a busy as I had suspected. I had very little time (read that as no time) to be creative. Saturday was spent in the yard cleaning up leaves and mowing one last time before Mr. G winterized the mower. Good thing too because….

when I looked out the window on Sunday morning the snow was flying. We got close to an inch. Of course its all melted now but that was just not what I expected to see…too soon Mother Nature, too soon.

A co-worker gifted me with this fun old book and 7 Gypsies tags after I had talked about the various ways I use old books. 

I treated myself to some K-cups for work. The staff lounge has a Keurig machine to make single cups of coffee now. Of course it’s BYOP (bring your own pod) but that’s ok. I don’t use it often but there are just some days that I really need an extra jolt of caffeine.

That’s it for today for me. I got up 45 mins early today otherwise this brief post wouldn’t have happened either. :)


What are you doing today?

Once again I’m sitting at my keyboard wondering where the time went last week and what do I have to show for it.

I have continued to use my personal handmade journal. It’s fun adding interesting bits to pages. I’m thinking I want to start another for old photos and memories of the kids. I have lots of random photos printed that would work perfect in that sort of journal.

I’ve been browsing Pinterest looking for sewing projects. There is something about Fall weather that makes me want to sew. I came across some easy fabric coaster/mug rug projects that I decided to give a whirl since I had some squares pre-cut from a long forgotten project.

This was the tutorial I used. Of course, I didn’t have the exact sizes but I figured it didn’t really matter. I turned out slightly larger than I would have wanted. Then I noticed some half square triangles in my stash. I had started making pinwheels and abandoned that project decades ago.

They do make cute coasters though!! I’ll likely make more of these…at least as many as I can with the quilt pieces that are ready to go. Another prime example of not throwing anything away….it pays off.

Volleyball still rules our evenings (and some weekends)…at least for another week or so. Like last week…two evening games, two practices, a parade and an early morning tournament… I cannot wait until Mini-me has her drivers license. 

I’m not holding out much hope for a peaceful week. Tuesday morning Mini-me has a 7AM ortho appointment…ugh. I have picture day at school. I’m not banking on that being a great photo since I’ll have little to no time to get ready. Oh well.

What are you doing today?

Last week the cold won…it got me…although I didn’t miss any work. Wished I had but I made it there each and every day. Wasn’t good for much else though. I never made it around to any T Tuesday posts. Sorry about that. I’ll do better this week.

Today I’m doing a twofer with my posts. One because they fall on the same day and two because I’m ill-prepared to post anything else. How’s that for brutal honesty. Besides…I really like the graphic I created for the twofer post way back when…

Take a look….


Two posts are colliding this week as T stands for Tuesday and Second on the 2nd fall on the same day.


Thankfully Elizabeth gave a little heads up at the end of her post that reminded me before I finished writing up my post. Time to switch gears.

We’ll start with the fun packages in my mailbox from two fellow T stands for Tuesday bloggers.  So fun to get mail…friend mail, not so much on the bills or junk mail. A little while back I had commented on Krisha’s blog about the winery she had visited. She was so kind to offer me some extra wine labels they picked up as collage fodder. I was so delighted to see an envelope in my PO Box the other day. Look at the great craft fodder and lovely card. Really love that card!

happy mail day

This package helped inspire this journal page.

beginning to blossom

Thank you Krisha!

I also received a box of goodies along with a 3rd anniversary ATC for T stands for Tuesday from Patty @ Magpie’s Nest.

happy mail day

She knows my love of bottle caps.

happy mail day

So many fun bottle caps and a bunch I’ve never seen. Too fun. Patty also included some bits of collage fodder as well. Can you see the beautiful ATC that precipitated the package in the first place?

happy mail day- patty's atc

Isn’t she lovely?!?  So many tiny details. I keep noticing more and more little things that I didn’t see the first time around.  Thank you Patty!

And now for the Second on the 2nd portion of today’s post.

Three years ago I took a quick photo of a hostess gift I was bringing to our annual Independence Day gathering. Little did I know this post would eventually become the most visited post on my blog. (More on the at the end.)

Take a look…eyes

July 5, 2013

We spent Independence Day, as we have the past several years, at a friend’s house along the parade route in town. It’s always a great time.

I wanted to do a little something extra for our hostess who puts so much time and effort into making sure everyone has a good time. She’s a big fan of Rum and Coke. It ended up being a centerpiece on the buffet table.

Rum and coke


I’ve seen over the years that the re-pins of this image on Pinterest have multiplying but it wasn’t until an update in their software did I notice that all of the re-pins now count up on the original. Check out this screen shot I took last night.

run and coke cake

Amazing! When I look at my blog analytics it definitely shows that people are visiting from that pin as well.  Not 24,000 pages loads but a significant amount especially given the fact that this is a 3 year old post.

For today I’m going to try and stay cool while running an errand or two. I really need to do some baking and canning but…ugh…not in this heat!

What are you doing today?

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have thought about and even started a personal diary or journal only to abandon it within a week after basically forgetting about it after day 2.  I would either think I had nothing to say, be paranoid about someone stumbling across my inner thoughts or perhaps just was intimidated by the hundreds of stark white pages ahead of me.

So l started actually using my newly created personal journal. I’ve discovered that it is much more inviting to write in than a blank page for me. I actually want to sit down to write. I even think during the day about remembering to write something down later. I’m rather excited about this new phase in my creative journey.

Watching the growing community of Hobonichi users was very inspiring as well as generous journal folk who share their videos on YouTube. So many ideas to put to use. I feel as if I pulled together the things that will work for me from the plethora of information I’ve absorbed. That being said, its important to me that I am authentic in what I do…not just copy ideas verbatim. What fun is that!? Besides this is my personal journal…if I can’t be real on those pages, there is really little hope.

I think I might do another video after a while to share some progress and interesting tidbits or techniques I’ve used in the journal.

I did a little before school refashion for Mini-me last week as well. We’d picked up this sweater at Goodwill but she didn’t like the length it was on her…she’s very petite aka short. So she asked me if I could do something about it…15 mins before we left for school. What do you think?!

Last week simply flew by. Volleyball games during the week, a tournament that both Mini-me and I worked at then a short trip to a small apple orchard with friends. I finally tried a couple of varieties of apples that were developed by the University of Minnesota; honey crisp and sweet tango. Both were so good! The orchard also had a few pear trees. I’ve never been a fan of pears but I took a slice when offered since it was the polite thing to do. I was actually surprised at the difference in taste than typical grocery store pears.

Thank goodness we got some nice apples because I really need those. You know the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”… well, I am fighting a cold. I was hoping it was just allergies but I fear it is a cold. Those darn germ covered kids and surfaces at school. Just can’t seem to avoid it. So my beverage today is an immune boosting drink. Fingers crossed that it does the trick.

Work and volleyball still dominate our schedule.

What are you doing today?

Mini-me and I are continuing to redo her new room aka J’s old room. Since he won’t be using his 9 months of the year, his stuff and my sewing machine have taken up residence in there. Sewing machine is only temporary. :)

Speaking of the sewing machine reminds me that I posted about my handmade journal yesterday. I even made a video of a flip through of the journal…check it out.

Back to the room makeover. Mini-me has lots of black and white accessories with splashes of red such as this painting she claimed.

As you can see it doesn’t look great on the blue walls.

So she is auditioning some paint colors.  Oh and check out the candelabra. I picked it up at a rummage sale a while back. It was in need of a bit of sprucing up. I removed the dangling beads and sprayed everything…including the beads and faux crystals black. They turned out really good!

I had also picked up a white vinyl cushioned vanity stool a while back. It evidently was so ugly I didn’t take a “before” photo.

I removed the cushion and upholstered it with that splash of red she was looking for.

And these great vintage buttons from my mom’s sewing box.

Doesn’t look great now with a fresh coat of black paint and the new cushion!?!!

The room seems to be coming together. The paint will be the biggest thing to contend with. Time is always a factor. She also wants fairy lights for soft lighting to hangout in. When it done I’ll have to take some more photos.

dark coffee or coffee in the dark

And of course since this is T stands for Tuesday I am sharing my morning cup with you…

What are you doing today?


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