Tag : fail

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The boys were gone all day Sunday so Little J and I made plans to do lots of fun “girl stuff” that we like.
We shopped a bit, visited my mom, went out to eat then came home to get to some crafting.

We planned to make some salt dough and “better than salt dough” ornaments, tags, etc.  Little J loves to both cook and paint so I figured “two birds” right?!?

As you can see we had a bit of an issue with the “better than salt dough” recipe.

I saw the recipe on Pinterest under the most beautifully white and perfect ornaments. Yeah…what the recipe gave me was a goopy mess. I tried to salvage it by using metal cookie cutters as forms while they dried at 175°F in the oven.

Lesson learned… people aren’t always careful about what they post.

We did go on to make some salt dough ornaments that actually did turn out.
As you can see they aren’t the pristine white I was going for but then again I use unbleached flour so what can I expect!



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