Tag : Ivanhoe art journal

9 posts

It’s just a typical Tuesday at my house. I had a brisk morning walk…52°F. It was refreshing but I’m not going to lie…I wished I had worn long sleeves.

Next it’s time for a bit of coffee and list writing. Lists help me stay focused. Trust me…I was WAY off task this weekend and Monday. Mr. G took yesterday off so typically I take that “time off” as well. I don’t create lists and sort of go with the flow. Not always the best choice for me.

Good news though…last week I was very productive.

I replanted green beans, snap peas and zucchini.

They have all sprouted! Hopefully I’ll get some good production before our first frost.

My tomatoes are ripening. My squash lost the battle with pests…squash borers got to them…but now I know what to look for.

Marvin was busy watching the birds while I was snapping a few photos.

My tiger lilies are in full bloom and the deer have left them alone!

Perhaps its the new guard bear my neighbor painted and gave to Mini-me. That or the bar of Irish Spring soap I have hanging from the cage around the lilies. I heard that deer don’t like the smell of clean people. :)

I’ve started working in a new journal. I’m not loving this book as I’m afraid that its not well made enough to withstand the abuse that I put my art journals and altered books through.

It was the only one I had laying around at the moment. Since I’m not thrifting at all, it will have to do.

I thought it was funny that it had traveled half way across the country into my hands just for me to destroy alter it.

I’ve completed 4 spreads so far. This is a snippet of a page. I’m having a lot of fun playing with texture.

The T Tuesday post from last week had another one of the spreads. I’ll share more in another post. I’ve already rattled on too long for today.


What are you doing today?

This post may make you think twice if you’ve arrived at the right place. It’s centered around food. Growing, eating, drinking, and baking with a little artsy-crafty splash thrown in just so you remember where you are.

This is my new favorite breakfast. Blueberry Oatmeal Bake. I found the recipe on Pinterest…where else?!  I modified things slightly to fit the ingredients that I had plus I don’t like using artificial sweeteners.

Check out this kohlrabi I got in our CSA box! Crazy!! I haven’t cut it open yet…I’m thinking today. I set it next to the loaf of bread we got as well with our farm share this week. I love it when they do community partnerships.

Between the beans from the CSA and my garden I needed to can some more spicy beans. I mixed up a double batch of the brine since I had so many. Not wanting to pour it down the sink, I grabbed some random veggies to try in a jar with some extra spices since I wasn’t including a jalapeno. Time will tell if we enjoy them or not.

Speaking of the garden…the high heat and humidity have done a number on the garden. The beans and squash have quit producing and of course you know about my deer chomped tomatoes. I was watching a youtube video about harvesting potatoes and the gardener mentioned doing a second planting of some of the quick turn around crops that stop production in the heat. Hmm…sounds exactly like what’s happening here. He said to look up the first frost date and count backwards from there to see if there is enough time. Our first frost date is Oct. 2nd so I have time!! I’ll let you know next week what I decided upon.

Since we’re talking about outdoor things…look at these lovely lilies my neighbor so generously lets me pick.  She had some other colors but those must be a little tastier to the deer…they beat me to them. My tiger lilies should be blooming this week…if the deer don’t get them first. Darn deer!!

With the heat and humidity I’ve been drinking tons of water. That gets boring sometimes so need to mix it up. My new favorite is club soda with a squeeze of lime or lemon. So refreshing.

All my walking is doing something that I hadn’t really noticed until I put on a shirt I hadn’t worn since my birthday.

I’ve lost 12 lbs. Both my walking and staying away from things such as those in the birthday basket I received. I want to keep this momentum going. Wish me luck!

On Saturday our state wide mask order went into effect for all indoor public spaces…its about time if you ask me.

I started making more masks. J will need a bunch at college. Mini-me will be doing her classes at home for her college courses. We find out later this week what the fate of K-12 school will be.

Are you still with me…I think we’ve finally arrived at the artsy part.

I’m not in love with this page as a whole. But I do love some of the little details.

The textures….

The colors…

And the message.

Today has me replanting in the garden, sewing and stupid household chores.

What are you doing today?

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