Tag : sewing

149 posts

That today is George Washington’s Birthday? 
Little J did…found on the fridge this morning.

I also thought I’d share another
 American Girl sleeping bag.  
I can’t stop sewing. 


I’ve been sewing like there is no tomorrow.
I’ve managed to make a tiny dent in my fabric stash.
Little J picked out colors for her American Girl doll sleeping bag. Her doll came with a lavender outfit so she has decided that lavender is “Rosie’s” favorite color.
I have one more ready to go and 2 more that are just in need of finishing.
I’m partial to this red patchwork one myself.

For Christmas this year, our daughter received an American Girl Doll. She’s been wanting one for years. My only issue is that all the American Girl brand accessories are really spendy just because they have the logo. 
Yesterday I decided that I’d try to make a sleeping bag for her. I grabbed my box of blue scraps (once intended for a boy quilt) and started piecing. 
With a few measurements of the doll herself, I decided on my size.
I’d say it fits pretty well.  

Little J liked it a lot with the exception of the colors. I figured that would be the case so this one will be a gift and I’ll be making another in the colors of her choosing.
I got to go crazy with my free-motion foot. 
I had to stop after breaking 3 needles and read up about what in the world I was doing wrong. 
Turns out I was moving my hands to quickly and pulling the needle out of alinement so it would smack down onto the footplate and snap.


Gosh, it’s already Wednesday evening! Time seems to be getting away from me lately.
I did want to show you why I missed tea yesterday.
I was learning to knit the top onto a kitchen towel. Isn’t it sweet…the towel I mean. It’s a vintage towel from the box of linens I’ve been working through.  It  now hangs proudly in my kitchen.
I also wanted to show you that I’ve started on the pages for the Postcard Challenge.
This is the page for France.
I made a pocket to hold the postcard from a label which I believe is from some sort of alcoholic beverage. Beer, ale, wine or spirit…not sure…
I have a couple of extras laying beside that I plan to include once I put the page in it’s proper place in the book.
I also have my postcard for Friday completed!!!
Of course, I can’t show that now.
But I must say,  I do love it!
Hopefully, I’ll have enough time after my volunteer duty in the school library tomorrow to complete the page to hold said postcard before posting it on Friday morning.

I got my sewing machine back and my free motion foot. 
As promised, the gal at the sewing place showed me how to use it. She even gave me this practice piece of “quilt sandwich” to take home. 
It is so fun! 
Of course, I’m breaking the “rules” right away by stitching over my previous stitch line but I’ve never been much for sticking to the rules anyway.

This came from a small oddly shaped patchwork piece in my stash. It was going to be one of the tissue packs but got buried under other bits and pieces. 
Now I’m glad it did! 
Makes a cute puffy heart ornament.

 Yeah, I know that was a lame title. 
I’m blaming the allergy medicine.
I’ve been sewing like crazy along with making cards. A friend of mine got a table at her kids school Holiday fundraiser. She asked me if I’d want to send her anything to sell. I’m trying to make items that are lightweight and small as I’ll be mailing these to her. These little patchwork tissue packs seem to fit the bill.
I have a few other ideas but one 
thing at a time.


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