Tag : T Tuesday

334 posts

red green teaSo glad you stopped by to join me for T stands for Tuesday.

Now that the weather has turned, I’ve been consuming a lot of tea once my coffee is gone each morning.

I think I spent a bit too much time in the cold garage painting my Pumpkin Minions…I definitely picked up some sort of bug.  Little J is home sick today with me. I guess I shared…wasn’t that nice of me?

Did you notice  the shape in the steam?

Look closely…

heart tea


Did you see the heart?

I thought that was super cool…or maybe I should say hot. *grin*

It’s going to be a really low key day around here.

What are doing today?


misoThanks for stopping by once again for T stands for Tuesday hosted by the one and only     Dr. E, Queen of Free.

I made myself a mug of miso not only to warm my hands but my insides as well.

So that’s the hot soup…what about the hot scoop?

Well…after 13.5 years or so of being a stay at home mom, I am now gainfully employed. I’ve been added to the sub list for our school district. I still have an orientation to go to but other than that, I’m ready to work again.


I’ll still be crafting, making art and blogging.

I had to show some of the ornaments I made last week.  I made some others but they sold and I never photographed them. Bummer!! Although I do know one of the ladies who bought 3 of them…think it would be weird for me to ask her if I could take a picture??

What are you doing today?



It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here since last week. I think the last time I’ve had two hours to rest during the day was when I was in the salon, last T Tuesday, getting my hair done.


I’ve been sewing like crazy. On both fabric…

cup cozy

And paper.

sewn cards

Of course, some painting as well.

painted series

In fact I have some spray painted goodies in the garage right now. Hopefully I’ll get everything done for Saturday. I have so many ideas now at the last minute for my craft sale. That’s the way it always works with me. I come down to the wire and my mind starts racing with new items to add to my table.

In addition to my “crafty crap”, as Mr. G so affectionately refers to it,  I have these this on my list.

  • a chapter to read for my bookclub tomorrow.
  • finish A Wrinkle in Time for Big J’s “partners in reading” project….yes, I get homework too.
  • mow the lawn…bagging it since there are so many leaves.

As well as the regular Tuesday stuff…knitting group, pesky household chores and  visiting T Stands for Tuesday blogs.

What are you doing today?

think pinkToday is October 1st…you know what that means.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This is a cause near and dear to my heart. My mom is a survivor. She had cancer in 1968…before I was born…heck, before my parents even met.  She had a radical mastectomy and prayed for the best. The best is what she got. That was 45 years ago.

squeezeIn a little while I’m heading to the salon for a haircut. I’m having my gal put in my pink streaks in honor of my mom. This will be my third year of “going pink” for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I love that people ask about my pink streaks and I get to remind them of Breast Cancer Awareness.

We have company coming in from Wisconsin this evening. They are staying with my in-laws but we are hosting the evening meal. So much to do…so little time.

What are you doing today?

If you’ve read my blog much, you know that I’m all over the place when it comes to arts and crafts.  So for today’s T stands for Tuesday post, hosted by Elizabeth, you’re going to go on a whirlwind ride with me. What is scary is that I’ll be showing you how my brain works. You may not want to know.

Before we get started I have to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes for my mom. We had a nice day out together.

early morning coffeeThis morning started at 5:30am as usual. By 5:45, coffee is made and the first of 3 lunches are packed. I have 5 mins left before I wake Big J to start his morning routine. Now fast forward about 2.5 hours and I have the house to myself.  Well, Gracie is still here but she’s having a sleepover with her friends.

So what do I do with my time beyond the list that never seems to end?

cork crazy

For one, I play with corks. These are going to be a new item on my table at the an up coming craft sale.

senior pictures

I’ve been editing senior pictures for the neighbor.

bunker front

battle damage

I finished the miniature terrain pieces I’ve been working on, complete with with simulated battle damage. Did I not tell you that you might be frightened of how my mind works?

upcycled shirt

And what’s this? A pile of rags? Nope…you’ll find out about that one in a later post.

And now I must move on with my crazy day…filled with paperwork, friends, knitting, groceries, ortho appt. and lets not forget the ever growing list.

I also wanted to mention especially to my fellow T stands for Tuesday friends that I am no longer able to answer each of your comments as I had in the past. I just don’t have the time but I wanted you to know that I read and enjoy every single word.

I may be late visiting your blog but I’ll get there ladies!

What are you doing today?


momI’m going to confess right now…there is no cuppa anything in this post. I have a crazy busy day and of course I didn’t plan this post ahead of time as pre-planning is not my strong suit.

I’ll be taking my mom out for the day to celebrate her birthday. She’s 84 years young today.

Stop by Elizabeth’s blog for more interesting T stands for Tuesday posts!

school startsThe buses have come to get my kidlets for the first day of school.This is the last year for each of them in each of their schools. Next year they each move up to new schools. My days as an elementary school library volunteer are numbered.

The house is extremely quiet.

Gracie is already napping.

listI’ve been working on my list.Somethings are must do today and some will stretch out to the rest of the week.

I haven’t used a list most of the summer. It feels good to get back on track.

So where is my beverage of choice today since it is T stands for Tuesday after all.coffee's done

Well, my coffee was gone long ago since I was up at dark:30. My cup has already been washed and returned to the rack.  How’s that for efficient?!

Wish me luck keeping that pace.

I’m skipping knitting today in favor of setting the house to right after a week of everyone including Mr. G being home.

We’ve been busy soaking up the last bits of summer even in the extreme heat of last week.

skyflyerWe went to the fair that was being dubbed the Great Minnesota “sweat-together” rather than get-together.

The day we went it was about 95°F with a heat index of 105°F. We came home about 2pm since Little J had school open house that afternoon. Just as I was going to shower to get presentable, our power went out.  Little J and I each had a nice candle lit shower. We went to school with wet heads since a hair dryer wasn’t an option. Oh well.

Luckily our power was restored in fairly short order so we could enjoy the A/C and fans overnight.skytower

I’m not really sure what’s going on with our power grid around here but it’s starting to make me nervous.

This last photo was taken from the Space Tower. You can see the Minneapolis skyline in the background. I had never been on the Space Tower before. I was glad we did it right away in the morning because I’m sure it would get very hot and stuffy towards afternoon.

Enough blather from me…I need to tackle my list!

What are you doing today?




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