Tag : T Tuesday

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Today for T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth, I won’t be sharing a steaming cuppa anything… But I will share my brand spanking new teapot!!

Isn’t it pretty!?!


And here’s the kicker…I got it at Goodwill! Look it still has the sticker on the bottom. Can you believe it! When I saw the Le Creuset on the lid I knew it was a steal and I’d be taking it home with me.  I have a vintage Le Creuset Dutch oven almost this exact color that I found at a garage sale about 13 years ago. I didn’t even blink at the $7 price tag. Score…that Dutch oven now retails for $350. Of course, mine is aged and weathered or shall we say…well seasoned.

le creusetI happened to have a 25% off coupon to use as well. Oh yea…love them coupons!

goodwill treasureI was also able to find a few other treasures…like more yarn and rubber stamps. Like I really needed more but I have a hard time passing them up. The tart tins I think I’ll alter in some way…maybe make ornaments from them??

Grocery shopping is on my list today as well as knitting group and visiting my mom.

What are doing today??


On this day 14 years ago…after 33 hours of labor and the heat going out in the my birthing room…I became a mom. Nothing could have prepared me for the instant love I had for our brand new baby boy.

readingWhat happened to my little boy who used to read to his stuffed animals every morning. Fast forward 14 years and now I see a young man taller than me, sporting a light blonde mustache and with a deep rumble of a voice.

birthday cake

We celebrated his birthday with family on Sunday before the Super Bowl…or as we are calling it…The Seattle Show. Lame.

coffee list

I’m having my coffee with my list. I’m trying to gear myself up to go out and get my errands done. It is 1°F right now so at least we are on the positive side of the scale.

What are you doing today?


I’m beginning to feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Every day I get up and its the same thing….freezing cold temps and the kids are home from school.  Today marks the 5th day this month that school has been canceled due to dangerously low temperature and windchill. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they are safe at home but everyone is starting to get a bit stir crazy. I was reminded yesterday that the wind chill scale changed several years ago to sound a little warmer. Yesterday, for instance, we had windchill of -46°F.  On the old scale that would have been -71°F. Brrrr.   If you getting tired of me complaining about the cold, I thought I’d share this article….These 20 U.S. Cities Are Allowed To Complain About The Cold …since we are #1.

Lets all think some warm happy thoughts.

winter bloomsAh that’s better. My Christmas cactus says “screw you winter….I’m going to spread some joy with my blossoms.” Okay, okay…I don’t actually hear it talking to me..thank goodness. Otherwise you’d know how stir crazy we are all getting.

Being indoors has had me crafting a bit.

yo yo yo Sewing more yo-yos in a slighter bigger size. I’m thinking about making a throw pillow cover.

Also working a bit in my journal. Here are a couple of work-in-progress shots.

WIPWIP2Still not sure where I’m heading with it so I just keep adding layers.

round is a shapeAnd what would a T stands for Tuesday post be without a furry feline?! Miss Gracie doing what she does best…well, maybe second best. Hmmm…maybe I should say this is her third favorite activity after eating and sleeping. Speaking of eating..had to share this photo.

what dietGracie fed herself yesterday morning. I couldn’t figure out why she let me sleep so late until I got into the kitchen. A head-size hole chewed into her food bag. Notice that the hole is right next to “weight control formula”. Yeah…guess she’s not in the least bit concerned about being out of shape. ;)

Stay warm and safe everyone!!

LATE EDIT: See I was so addled in the brain I even forgot to include my tea for T stands for Tuesday…good thing Elizabeth isn’t a stickler for rules. :)


So glad you came to visit today for T Stands for Tuesday where we share a beverage and a little something from our week.

breakfastI’m doing my best to eat a healthy breakfast each morning. It takes some time and effort but I think it’s worth it. Fuel for the day. Today is 2 eggs scrabbled up with yellow pepper, onion. tomato, mushroom and spinach with a little bit of jalapeno salsa for kick. Only 265 calories.  I couldn’t even eat the last 2 bites!

bookWhile eating I skimmed through this library book. Truthfully, I’m not sure that I got much from it. However, I was reminded of a technique that I have yet to try. Printing on tissue paper with a printer. I have to see if our old printer still has ink since it has to be a straight feed printer not the kind that loops the paper through. *Fingers crossed for ink.*

Jan 20 journalYesterday, I worked in my kira-kira journal a bit. I had started cleaning up my desk and the journal sucked me in. Or perhaps it was just procrastination.

changeChange is a theme that we are seeing a lot around here. We are making some healthy changes in our life…slowly. Our children are changing into young adults. I’ve made the change of working very part-time after being a SAHM home for 13.5 years. We are wishing for the weather to change to Spring.

Change can be scary…or exciting…or devastating…or uplifting. Change can be methodically planned or come up and smack you in the face. One can embrace change or flee in terror or perhaps slip into denial about it. But change is an integral part of life. I’m choosing to embrace these changes and am looking forward to what it will bring to our lives.

Wow…I guess a healthy breakfast gave me a mental boost as well!! I don’t usually get so deep and introspective in the morning.

What are you doing today??

snowyIt’s another snowy day in the neighborhood.The white stuff messed up my plans for the day. I had a list of places to go today including on finally making it to knitting this morning but instead I have a date with the snowblower.

Halle put the kettle onI’ve got a kettle heating so I can make a large thermo mug full of tea to drink outside.

be the light archOn the bright side, I do have some art to share.   I was inspired by a Yogi tea bag and Patty’s word of the year to make this piece.

be the lightThe Gothic arch shape was a leftover from a previous swap. I think I only have one arch left…I’ll have to save that one for a template.

Since the snow is still falling…I’ll be visiting my T Tuesday friends before tackling the driveway.

What are you doing today?

For the second day in a row, my kids have the day off due too dangerously cold temps. They are thrilled. Me…not so much. I am thankful I don’t have to worry about them getting frostbite while standing at the bus stop but keeping them from fighting and away from screens is a challenge when I can’t just throw them outside. :)

breakfast tea

I made myself a sandwich for breakfast today alongside my red rooibos tea. I tend to have non-traditional breakfasts. I need to have protein in the morning otherwise I can feel my blood sugar get all wonky.

sew what

Since hanging out in my basement art space isn’t an option, I’ve been back at the sewing machine.  I just love patchwork!

Next I’m going to check out the T Stands for Tuesday link list on Elizabeth’s blog.

What are you doing today?


T stands for Tuesday_200

Finishing out 2013 with T Stands for Tuesday seems just right.  It’s hard to believe that time passes so quickly. Was it really 14 years ago that we were all worried that at the stroke of midnight the world as we know it might have ended with the Y2K scare. Mr. G and I were driving home on the freeway at the new year….since the lights didn’t go out we figured we were fine. Good thing too, since I was over 8 months pregnant. :)

J mug



I confess that there is no tea in the mug today…in fact, it’s not even mine. Big J gave Little J this mug and a bag of chocolate truffles for her birthday yesterday.  I just love that it looks like a knit sweater!








She got a snowboard for Christmas. Her and the neighbor girl have been busy practicing when ever possible.

tea gifts

Since family and friends know my love of tea on a cold winters day…and we’re having quite the streak of those right now….I received some really nice tea related gifts this Christmas.


I also had to show you that the Christmas tree is put away and my lawyers cabinet is back in place. Notice the wine sign…my next door neighbor gave it to me for Christmas! I love it! Makes me smile every time I walk through the room.

Upon closer inspection now that photos have been taken I see some of my treasures in the cabinet toppled over when we moved it. Sorry Elizabeth…your book fell down behind my red treasure box. Isn’t that always the way…you see the crazy stuff after taking a photo. :)

Before someone asks…  The carvings on top of the cabinet were done by Mr. G’s late grandma. The one on the left portrays Charles Dickens.  The middle one is of her first 3 children. And the last on top is Grandma and Grandpa feeding the birds. Aren’t they wonderful!?!!!

Tonight we’ll be having fondue and a bit off bubbly right here at home. We most likely won’t stay up to ring in the new year but it will be there waiting for us in the morning!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!



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