Tea Tuesday

Last updated : February 28, 2016

My summer drink of choice tends to be ice water with lemon slices and a bag of green tea.  The tea doesn’t “brew” since it’s ice water but it definitely flavors the water. 

Today I have Yogi Lemon Ginger Green tea flavored water.

I love today’s quote….

Hope you all have a wonderful day. 

Stop by Kimmie’s blog if you’d like to see some more tea posts for the day.

10 Thoughts on Tea Tuesday
    26 Jul 2011

    Water is first choice usually for me as well. A little flavor of lemon or something is good too. Have a cool and happy day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    26 Jul 2011

    I had NO idea tea would flavor ice water like that. I learn something new every day. And that is one super quote, too.

    26 Jul 2011

    Your thermos looks so inviting with all that condensation on it …. It must be very cold tea AND a very hot day! It sounds good too! I often add a teabag to my ice water. It adds just enough flavor to make it more interesting …. And it works for refill after refill … Lemon – yum!!

    Happy Tuesday Halle! Kimmie

    La Dolce Vita
    26 Jul 2011

    brilliant idea! have a great t day!

    26 Jul 2011

    My summer drink is ice water with mint leaves from the garden!! My kids used to hate drinking water with “green things” floating in it!!! Now that they are grown they appreciate it more!!!

    ~*~Patty S
    26 Jul 2011

    Love your tea Halle…looks and sounds so refreshing…the Yogi tea tags are so inspiring and uplifting!

    Marilyn Rock
    27 Jul 2011

    Great tip with the tea water! Refreshing and healthy! Thank you! Love the quote! So true! xxoo

    my cup of tea
    27 Jul 2011

    Love the quote! So true! Hope you had a great day!

    Piper... the Woodland Wanderer
    30 Jul 2011

    This is a great way to naturally flavor your water, and your blend sounds thirst quenching! This quote is so true and especially relevant to me right now! Glad to have found your blog from a visit to mine!

    30 Jul 2011

    lemon ginger green tea sounds very refreshing…will have to look for that one! Hope you are relaxing and staying cool!!

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