Art Journal vs Altered Book

Last updated : June 16, 2016

altered book vs art journal | Halle's Hobbies

Over the years there seems to have been a shift in the verbiage used to describe the process of taking a book of little or no use and making it into a piece of art. Or perhaps it could even be a book with great meaning to you and you want to express yourself within it. Either way…you are altering it from it’s original purpose. Hence the name altered book, right?!  But the line has been blurred as mixed media and collage entered the scrapbook and paper arts world. I’m not saying this is a bad thing…more products, techniques, blogs and tutorials out there. Mixed media entered the main stream. Along with that is where the shift happened from altered books to art journals.

I’ve always felt (and still do) that explaining to outsiders what an altered book was bordered on exhausting at times. I’d, all too often, get a blank stare from the person I was talking to about my new passion. Somehow changing the way I described what I was doing as art journaling made more sense to my audience. Oh, it’s just art in journal form. Sure, if that makes it easier for you to understand…I’m cool with that.

For me, I feel as if the difference between an altered book and an art journal has a couple different facets. An altered book must first of all have been a written and published book. Secondly, for it to be an altered book, it has a theme.  Such as this Vintage Fashion altered book….which happens to be the first round robin altered book swap I ever participated in.  Too bad postage costs have skyrocketed since then.

vintage fashion altered book | Halle's Hobbies

 After completing a few themed altered books, I began creating pages randomly with no theme. Just a place to play and be creative. Somewhere along the line I started calling my “no theme” altered books, art journals. It seemed easier or perhaps more logical way to describe them once I heard more about art journals.

For me, I feel an art journal can be comprised of any substrate. Plain or scrapbook paper, card stock, bound journal, moleskin, cardboard. You name it…it’s likely been tried…as well as, you guessed it….published books. This causes the dreaded crossover…well, is it an art journal or an altered book? I feel as if I’m talking in circles.

I think what it comes down to is personal preference. It is art after all. You can call it whatever you want. We all define what we think is art in very different ways. You aren’t going to please everyone and you shouldn’t try. Art is an expression of yourself. There are no hard and fast rules…which is why I got interested in altered art 11 years ago.

So there you have it…my opinion on the difference between an altered book and an art journal. What is your take on this subject? Do you agree or have another ideas? I’d love to hear your opinions.

3 Thoughts on Art Journal vs Altered Book
    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    18 Mar 2016

    Your thoughts cover the cross over pretty well Halle.
    When trying to explain about altered books to people I always used the words “rescued” to explain WHY I was ripping and gluing pages in a book LOL. People either get it or they don’t I guess.
    Whatever you call it…I sure do enjoy playing in old books and giving them a new life. I L♥ve paper of all kinds.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    18 Mar 2016

    To me, an art JOURNAL has and always will have WORDS and thoughts attached to it. Lots of words for most people. Lots of art, but many words, too. I often create spreads that have NO words attached to them, so I guess that’s where I draw the line. I always have so many books lying around, I don’t need to buy a journal to make art in.

    The first time I saw an art journal, it was True Colors, and the women were pouring out their souls. Often times, there is angst amid the writing, even if they cover over it.

    Thanks for your interpretation of it. I appreciate it, and know there is no angst in your AB Journals. How’s that for combining the two (grin)?

    16 Jan 2019

    To me the altered book is more sculptural and public like something that would be displayed that encompasses the whole book into one presentation. An art journal, on the other hand, I see as something more personal that you may or may not share with others and pages might be altered individually each serving a purpose instead of the opposite where the whole book becomes the new purpose. Does that even make sense??

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