Author : halleday

1706 posts

Using some custom brushes and actions, I gave my photo a whole new look.

I got some amazing shots with my little pocket camera at the Blooming Butterflies immersion exhibit at the Como Zoo.

Even though it was overcast and rainy most of the time, we still enjoyed Lake Superior.

Once again, I ate the first of them before even thinking of taking a photo.

I love my little container garden. It’s so awesome to just step outside to collect fresh herbs for my recipes.

Next year I hope to have a small garden next to our shed. Then I can try growing new veggies.

My baby lost her first baby tooth…

It was time to decorate the pre-made satin pillow I had bought specifically for this purpose years ago…when my 1st baby lost his first tooth.

NOTE: A pocket pillow hanging on the doorknob makes it much easier for the Toothfairy to do her job.

I let my girl pick out all the decorations…she seems to have a pretty good sense of color. Although sometimes you’d never know it by the outfits she puts together. Good grief!!

I felt the urge to paint something. The blue and orange combo is something I’m loving a lot more lately.

The texture is dressmakers pattern paper randomly set into the still wet gesso. I love texture!


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