I do…for ever and ever

Last updated : April 10, 2016
Just a page in another art journal. 
I didn’t have any idea where I was going with it until it all came together. 
I’m finding that I’m working more and more that way lately. 
As an aside…I’m looking at moving my blog to WordPress to actually USE the domain Mr. G bought for me a while back. 
I’m having anxiety about making the move since I’ve been with Blogger for so long.
When I make the move I hope you will come visit me there….
I’ll definitely keep you posted…


2 Thoughts on I do…for ever and ever
    Kim Andersen
    30 Jan 2013

    art journals are kind of like that – they have to tell YOU where they want to go :)

    wordpress makes a pretty blog format – I’m sure Patty Szymkowitz (Ms.Magpie) could help you with any questions you might have

    ~*~Patty S
    31 Jan 2013

    Excited to read you may be moving to WP Halle!
    I may even be able to get notice of when you update your blog = yippee!
    Your page looks wonderful…my colors and isn’t it the best when you just play and let things happen!

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