Playtime altered book

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Since I completed my Just for Fun altered book I had nowhere to play. I started a new book this morning. I’m calling this one my Playtime altered book.

This is the first spread.

I started smack in the middle of the book for a change. I was basically trying out some new supplies I acquired.

I went to an awesome sale a few blocks from here last week and got all of these supplies for $8.50!!! Everything was unopened or nearly newly! The gal ran a rubber stamp business and was moving across the country so she decided to liquidate.

As luck would have it, I didn’t have much cash and the kids were along, otherwise I’d have likely way overspent my budget. You just don’t come by sale s like that very often!!

One Thought on Playtime altered book
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    2 Nov 2008

    What incredible luck to stumble on this sale. And I like how you started a new book and “smack-dab” in the middle.


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