Tag : swap

72 posts

I thought I’d show you some of the projects I’ve been trying to work on until my back tells me to stop.
I had started each of these projects BEFORE hurting my back…

First, a bunch of glass marble magnets…

Then a tiny sneak peek at my 12 Days of Christmas swap…

And finally, another piece of miniature terrain.

I have to admit that I’m really having fun making this stuff. It’s a challenge and work is slow…which can become frustrating but the results are worth the wait.

While the kids were gone at a birthday party today, I got busy making a cover for my ABC 7th Anniversary book. 

One little issue…I miscalculated when I was going to punch the cover with my Bind-it-all.


But look…amazing what sins a little lace will cover right!?!?

I just put the finishing touches on my Gothic Arches for the 7th Anniversary swap on ABC. I’ve never worked in this shape before. My goal was to get these in the mail by tomorrow and I think I’ll meet it.  That is, unless chaos reins since it’s the first non-school day of the summer.

It’s that time again…  ABC_alteredbookclub is having it’s annual anniversary swap. This year the shape & size was put to a vote and Gothic arches won out.
Previous years  have been skinny pages, chunky pages, charms and even my personal favorite…circles!

I’ve gotten all my arches cut out as you can see. I’m struggling with the paint I used to cover both sides as it has remained slightly tacky. To remedy this I glued dressmakers pattern tissue to the stickiest side. I’ll have to come up with some thing to deal with the other side as well but for now I have a workable solution to start with.

See this gal.

I call her the “crazy eyed girl”. The scan and subsequent digital work have really subdued the scariness of her eyes from the original photo. You’ll be seeing her on my finished arches…hopefully. :)

A relative of my mother-in-law is hosting an ATC swap that is right up my alley.

I love painting!

The swap is 3 for 3. Not being able to settle on watercolors or acrylics, I did a set of each.

This swap sounded kind of fun. Not your typical over the top Valentine business dripping with sap.

These were so fun to make!!

I started with an 8.5×11 sheet of periwinkle cardstock. With an old credit card, I spread out some orange and yellow craft paints.

After that was dry, I used rubber stamps, more paint, markers, and stencils to create lots of background interest.

When I was happy with it I cut 9 ATC’s from my full sheet of cardstock.

I free handed a VW bug to make a template then cut little bugs out of discarded book pages. Paint and marker were applied in a very loose manner.

I punched wheels from black “handmade paper” …I put that in quotes since it was actually store bought. I then used little flower sticker for some fun hubcaps.

The part that I love the most is the genuine VW key attached to each one. I grew up with tons of Volkswagons. My dad and his friend would buy them cheap, fix them up and resell. Sometimes they would just part them out. Dad never threw out anything so I had just enough VW keys laying around to give these ATC’s just a little extra punch!


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