Search Results of "apples"

11 posts

On Saturday, a few families on the block got together to help harvest the apples from our neighbor’s trees. 
It’s a big job but the fruits of our labor really pay off.
This year 63 grocery bags of apples were picked.
The apples were all big and beautiful with very few blemishes or worms.

We took home about 6 bags worth. 

I set up shop in the garage so I could make a mess and not worry about it. 
Concrete washes quite nicely. 
 After countless hours of cranking the peeler, I ended up with 23 gallon size freezer bags of peeled and sliced apples ready for the next stage of processing.

So far I’ve dehydrated 10 trays of apples, 4 pans of apple crisp-ready to be thawed then baked and cooked up about 2.5 gallons of applesauce. 
And I still have a freezer full of bagged apples. 
I am going to have to can the rest of the applesauce I make since my freezer can’t hold any more.


I’m done…I can’t do it any more. We processed 3 grocery bags full of apples. My husband was very helpful on Sunday by peeling nearly 2 bags worth before noon. The afternoon was spent making sauce. And then again Monday and Tuesday. My collar bone/shoulder connection got very sore!! (Childhood injury, that gets aggravated from repetitive motion.)

I can’t even begin to guess how much berry applesauce is in my freezer! Gallons and gallons of it! It’s so awesome though…nearly free (cost of lemon juice, berries and electricity for the stove).

I honesty ran out of plastic containers to freeze the sauce in… If I make any more…which I highly doubt…I’ll have to can it. And THAT is SO much more work!

Now hopefully I can back to ART!!

We went to help the neighbor pick their apples today.

It took under 3 hours to pick 44 grocery bags of apples!! Crazy huh!?!?

Now comes the processing part. Washing, chopping, cooking, dehydrating, preserving, freezing… you get the picture. Yikes!

UPDATE: I was corrected by the neighbor…It was 48 bags of apples plus a bushel basket.

I was thinking about what I wanted to post about for the T stands for Tuesday, I suddenly realized that I never have posted a couple of journal pages I made early this month. I guess that would be part of the August acceleration I talked about last week.

I know I gave a sneak peek of this page several weeks ago. It was my first page in my Ivanhoe journal.

I can’t get enough of looking at the texture… The gold and bronze are UTEE. The white is your basic embossing powder.

I chose these words after thinking about the Paris image I had used…dancing and wine seemed fitting.

This next page had me again playing with some metallic colors.

I used so many layers! This book will be another chunky one… The words I used reflected my mood. Things it seems will never be the same. Its sad really.

Moving on to more pleasant things.

I am attempting to make apple cider vinegar again. My last attempt did not turn out. I think I used tap water which killed off the fermenting bacteria plus I never feed them any sugar in the beginning. These apples were heading for the compost pile since they were getting soft and shriveled. Blech. Hopefully in 6 weeks I’ll have some lovely ACV to show off.

My second crop of beans is continuing to impress me with how quickly they are growing. There are even some tiny blossoms beginning to form.

The deck box garden is nearing the end stages. Several green tomatoes, beets and summer squash will all hopefully make it to harvest.

My pole bean plant is definitely determined…it is reaching out to whatever it can find to continue to grow. I’m thinking I really need to grow more of these next year. And bonus…no fuzz!! Nice smooth green beans like they should be!!!!

I’m posting Monday evening since I have my first back to school work meeting tomorrow. Thankfully its a remote meeting…unfortunately its FOUR HOURS LONG!!

What are you doing today?

I’m sure most of you are in the same position we are here. Adjusting to the new normal. Everyone home trying to do school and work. We had a family meeting on Sunday to set some ground rules and expectations.

So far it’s just J that has specific class times. Mini-me and I are still on spring break. Next week will be an even bigger adjustment. Mini-me and I will most likely be in “distance learning” mode. She will have online classes and I will be…well they aren’t really sure what our role will be at this time. Perhaps making videos to support learning, reading, typing curriculum…what ever is needed really.STOP work in progress sign

I quickly whipped up a couple of these signs for when the kids are working in there bedrooms. It’s not pretty but it is effective.

Mr. G is still working but in a remote location for now. There are just two of them getting an industrial printer running. I think it’s only a matter of days before he’ll be working from home as well. casually bored Marvin

Marvin is confused. His routine of morning snack, morning nap, bird watching, more napping and so on is really getting messed up by his humans constantly going from room to room making noise.dried apples

All this time at home has had me using my dehydrator and even attempting to make hamburger buns. The key word there is attempting. They are a little dense…ok a lot dense. Not too bad cut in half and toasted though.

I’ve been doing a bit more journaling as well. Both just writing and art journaling. This writing journal sometimes gets a bit of both.


This page started as a mind dump. Grievances and complaints but then something shifted. Maybe it was because I was able to rid my mind of all the clutter and garbage floating around in there. I became more mindful of things to celebrate and be thankful for.

gratitude journalling

I continued onto the next page. I was able to go to bed and actually sleep after all of this. Perhaps this mind dump will become a habit that will help me be more mindful each for two

Today has three of us home working on chores and little projects. Trying to stay active. Keeping physically distant from others while maintaining social connections.

What are you doing today?

So playing catch-up is harder than I expected. But I’m not giving up in #junkjournalnov19

Repurposed 6/30

This page isn’t my favorite but I definitely nailed the prompt. I used all repurposed items or ones headed for the trash. Such as the end cuts off a quilt block, packaging from a makeup brush, a scrap of greeting card and it was all adhered to a magazine cover as my substrate. If that isn’t repurposed I don’t know what is!

Colored leaves 7/30


I had a ton of fun with this one. I stitched a few pressed leaves into an interactive specimen pocket. After journaling about my love of fall and memories of fallen leaves I decided that a few punched leaves would add the right touch to the page.

Vintage 8/30

Not my usual style but I do love vintage!! Honestly, every time I create a super vintage page I wonder why I don’t more often.

I picked out a few pieces that seemed to fit with the embroidered piece that was on the book page before I started. I originally thought the embroidery would be a focal point. mind took a sharp left. I ended up with a two-page spread since I had so many things I just had to use.


Foggy 9/30

This prompt had me a bit stumped…then I thought of waking from a dream. How the images are a bit foggy in your mind. Just out of reach. I used vellum to cover the existing page to give the illusion of fog. The found text story was super fun to come up with from my stash.


Autumn food 10/30

Ah, apples. The perfect fall food. Whether you grab one straight off the tree and polish it on your shirt before crunching into that beautiful gem. Or a fresh-baked apple crisp. Apples are a gift.


Linking up with Art Journal Journey today for Rike’s theme of Fruits and Veggies.

Art Journal Journey

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have thought about and even started a personal diary or journal only to abandon it within a week after basically forgetting about it after day 2.  I would either think I had nothing to say, be paranoid about someone stumbling across my inner thoughts or perhaps just was intimidated by the hundreds of stark white pages ahead of me.

So l started actually using my newly created personal journal. I’ve discovered that it is much more inviting to write in than a blank page for me. I actually want to sit down to write. I even think during the day about remembering to write something down later. I’m rather excited about this new phase in my creative journey.

Watching the growing community of Hobonichi users was very inspiring as well as generous journal folk who share their videos on YouTube. So many ideas to put to use. I feel as if I pulled together the things that will work for me from the plethora of information I’ve absorbed. That being said, its important to me that I am authentic in what I do…not just copy ideas verbatim. What fun is that!? Besides this is my personal journal…if I can’t be real on those pages, there is really little hope.

I think I might do another video after a while to share some progress and interesting tidbits or techniques I’ve used in the journal.

I did a little before school refashion for Mini-me last week as well. We’d picked up this sweater at Goodwill but she didn’t like the length it was on her…she’s very petite aka short. So she asked me if I could do something about it…15 mins before we left for school. What do you think?!

Last week simply flew by. Volleyball games during the week, a tournament that both Mini-me and I worked at then a short trip to a small apple orchard with friends. I finally tried a couple of varieties of apples that were developed by the University of Minnesota; honey crisp and sweet tango. Both were so good! The orchard also had a few pear trees. I’ve never been a fan of pears but I took a slice when offered since it was the polite thing to do. I was actually surprised at the difference in taste than typical grocery store pears.

Thank goodness we got some nice apples because I really need those. You know the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”… well, I am fighting a cold. I was hoping it was just allergies but I fear it is a cold. Those darn germ covered kids and surfaces at school. Just can’t seem to avoid it. So my beverage today is an immune boosting drink. Fingers crossed that it does the trick.

Work and volleyball still dominate our schedule.

What are you doing today?

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