Category : Art

423 posts

I got a chance to play a bit today.

I’ve had this book sitting waiting to be inspired.

While cleaning up my table a bit, the ideas finally struck.

I’ve been saving the wrappers from my chocolate indulgence.
The Chocolove bar is my favorite!

Spring is a busy time for Birthdays aournd here. This is the card I gave to my hubby last week. We are getting to the age that celebrating getting another year closer to middle age isn’t anything to celebrate.

I’m planning on ART-ing(act of random thoughtfulness) with the puzzle piece. So it’s a secret…SSSHHH!!

I quickly whipped up some pages this morning while I had some time all to myself! These pages are to help fill out a couple of books started with tip-ins.

These first three are for a Quotes book.

These two are for a Patriotic Tip-in book.

I finally got a chance to be creative! Both kiddos are in school today!!!!!! I even have the little one staying through lunch so I can have a little me time.

This is the second spread for the music themed book I’m working in for a round robin.

Here’s a spread for the latest book in my current round robin. The book’s theme is MUSIC. I still need to come up with another spread before passing it along but this one just HAD to be done!

I scanned pictures from my teenage scrapbook for this page. What a hoot looking through that old scrapbook!!! I had mostly cut stuff out of magazines with just a few notes and photographs thrown in here and there.

This book has been a bit more difficult for me to come up with something that fit the theme of the book. The owner wanted a focus on Japan and Okinawa, specifically their crafts and textiles but thankfully.. gave us “an out” so to speak as long as we stuck to the Asian theme.

Haiku and Bonsai felt to me like a good fit without repeating the same Kimono’s and Geisha’s that would be expected with these theme. The attempt at haiku poetry is all my own…

It seems like an eternity since I’ve had a chance to sit and play in my craft zone. It was refreshing to be free to create. Life has been getting in the way lately. Such is life, right!

The puzzle piece will likely be sent as a postcard. Yes it is that large!

The two altered books spreads are in my “just for fun” book. That book is so fun…no theme, no expectations, only playtime!


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