Tag : altered art

75 posts

I’m still having a hard time getting back in the groove of making art on a regular basis. I want to but then I sit down to do it and nothing comes. 

I decided I needed to do something different. Something experimental. So I grabbed a book and started slapping down some paint. I added what ever felt right at the moment. I didn’t even wait for the paint to completely dry. I just made art for the sake of doing it, not for what my end result might be.  It was very free and very fun. I’m positive I didn’t spend more than 10 minutes on each one.

I don’t know if I’ll go back and add actual journal entries in these pages or if they are done but who cares right!?!  

This month the UHU design team members were all sent a mini clipboard to decorate.

What do you think?

Check out the materials list and tutorial in the UHU blog.

put forth a challenge on ABC in response to a post about reducing waste while still creating art. She challenged us to create 2 pieces of art using junk mail and scraps only.

I dug in the recycle bin and pulled out a toaster waffle box and some junk mail for this piece. I hoping to make another over the weekend. Although it’s supposed to be BEAUTIFUL this weekend so I don’t know if I’ll be spending much time indoors.

Just because I felt like playing…

Feeling the need to do something creative, I cleaned off my workspace and grabbed my pile of book text scraps. The substrate is cardboard packaging that I obsessively save.

I decided to try out my UHU glue stic for this experiment. I knew I wanted to play with my watercolor crayons but have had issues with other glues releasing the papers from the substrate after getting wet. While wet there was a slight amount of lifting or warping but to my great delight, it dried completely flat! I believe I have found a new glue for this technique.

I’m loving the layered look. I used watercolor crayons, paint, correction pen, metallic marker, colored pencil, China crayon and rubber stamps on this piece.

I found these bowls at my folks house and asked if I could have them. I didn’t mention what I intended to do with them. I’m guessing I wouldn’t have been given the blessing to take them if mom had known I’d be breaking them.

I put on a face shield and went to work over the outside garbage can with my tile nippers. Cutting up dishes is a messy job!

I started with the Merlot bowl since we don’t like Merlot. It was my trial piece. I was able to figure out how the bowl would break without ruining the ones I intended to use.

I knew I wanted to use this frame.
It previously looked like this. It hung by the front door for several years but now my collage frame hangs in the spot. That meant it was time for a makeover.

I recently got to take home this lawyers bookcase that belonged to my paternal Grandpa. I’ve always loved the cabinet. As a child, it sat in our guest room. It was filled with shells my mom had collected from her travels.

I had something a little different in mind. I’ve filled it with my art and some of my favorite things that had been packed away until now.

Recognize the bowl? It’s my handmade paper bowl. It’s the perfect size for some favorite rocks and my mom’s arrowhead collection.

This may look familiar. I use this is my avatar in Google.

This clock was one of first altered pieces. The swirl on top was hand carved by my husband’s Grandmother. She is an amazing artist.

This was also a piece I made very early on in my artistic journey. It was my very first assemblage. The butterfly inside is another carving by Grandma Rose.

My Road Trip book always makes me smile. This was my second round robin altered book. It took the better part of a year to make it’s way around the country before returning to me full of fun artwork.
The bookcase is ever changing in it’s contents. I love to rearrange decorative elements in my house and am often drawn to using something totally unexpected for the space. I think it drives my husband a bit crazy at times. He’ll just give me that “ok…if you really think that looks good” look.


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