Tag : journal

122 posts

A little over a year ago I started work in a new journal. It was a book I’d picked off the free shelf at our local library…which incidentally is closing in a week or so. They’ve built a new building to fit with the character of the historic main street. I’m really excited about the new building but also a little sad. The old location is the library where got my very first library card.

OK…done waxing nostalgic…on with the original reason for my post. I’m done…completely finished…with my little kira-kira journal. Today, I added my title page….


…and gave a little attention to the covers, leaving the original title visible.


Here’s a little peek at the pages inside.kira-kira collage

For me, it’s always nice to put a check mark next to a project as DONE.  What about you…do those UFO’s call to you…finish me…or not really?

I can’t believe The Summer of Color is nearing it’s end…or am I just being a glass half empty sort of gal today?  Regardless…here we are already at week 4 of 6.

IMG_0019Pink & Apple Green with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Dark Green

I took the liberty of choosing a brighter pink…mainly because from the computer..down the stairs to my art zone…I’d convinced myself that it was the neon pink color that was needed. 20140630_5607Not sure why…maybe I was having a 1980’s flash back.  Mallrats… Day glo…. Hypercolor…acid wash denim…  Anyone with me?

20140630_5611This little bit of text happened to fall into my lap…. I thought it was fitting.

rp_soc4button.pngIt’s time play along again with Kristen for week 2 of The Summer of Color.

The palette for this week is:IMG_0008Coral & Teal 

with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Bright White

This one was a little out of my comfort zone but that’s what this challenge is all about.coral and tealYou’ll just have to take my word for it that the coral is more coral.  I took over a dozen photos and played with them in Photoshop trying to get a realistic color representation of the real page but it was not meant to be today. My photo mojo is gone.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by over the past week to check out and comment on my week 1 entry. I’m hoping to make it around to everyone this week but I won’t make any promises.

I’m definitely in a bright color sort of mode…something new for me.breakI’m not sure that my journaling would stand up to an English majors scrutiny but I never professed to being an expert at my native language. ;)break sparklesI do love the shimmer and bits of sparkles that are on this page. They are just so darn hard to capture on camera.

wishLayers and layers under the aqua. I finally settled on that color after auditioning several others. The others were definitely not right.

I’ve used this technique of making circles on my pages before. Highlighting little pieces of the page make it much more interesting. Having the layers underneath give wonderful texture to the page.

I took some quiet time yesterday to work in my kira-kira journal. It’s nearly full. Then I’ll just need to figure out what to do with the cover.exposureThe page came together with elements from my desk. I only had to go hunt for the vintage slide. As the page was coming together I just had to include a slide. I was lucky enough to find one in my stash that matched so very well.up close exposureI’m not sure how much I’ll be able to create in the next week. My clothes dryer broke so Mr. G will be taking it apart today. Since I share my art space with the laundry…my space will be severely limited. Not that I don’t have tons of other things that I could be doing.

I had so much fun making the first journal spread yesterday, I went back for another.WednesdayOnce again I worked in my white journal.  Boy, I just realized that I have 4 journals going at once. And I have an idea for yet another. I should probably wait on that idea at least until I fill one of the currents to capacity.Wednesday textureTissue paper was used as a start for this page as well. It had been crumpled over and over again. Lots of tiny little creases. It started out very purple…or maybe violet. The color was a little too “in your face” for my taste. I used a couple of mists around the edges to tone it down to a dull roar.. The aqua washi tape begged me to use it with the new deeper shade of purple. The black and white just helped everything else pop on the page. I have this thing about circles…I use them all the time. They just make me happy I guess.

So last evening I still hadn’t had enough creativity for the day. My sewing machine was still calling me.  I grabbed bits and pieces of fabric, paper, fiber and trims to sew together for collage cards. I didn’t give it much thought…just went for it.collage card marathon I made 21 mini collages that will eventually become greeting cards. Some will be left blank…others will have sentiments…some collages may not make the cut. Who cares…it was all scraps and bits laying around.


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