Tag : challenge

99 posts

Well T stands for Tuesday friends…here’s a page dedicated to all of you.

I am totally loving this page…basically because the words fell into my lap as I was looking at my teapot and cup rubber stamps.

I didn’t use a filter on the photo and couldn’t figure out why my photos were turning out so soft. Then I got the bright idea…hey…how about I wipe down the lens on my phone camera. It might have a bit of smutz on it. Evidently finger prints, dust and other junk make a nice filter if you want that soft sort of look.

Linking up with AJJ for 101 ways to keep warm theme as well.

Art Journal Journey

See….all clean…and truth be told…different lighting. I’m finding that taking photos in natural light when you get at or after dark is difficult. Hmmm…will have to work on that conundrum.

This is where I’d typically share my photo a day collage. Unfortunately, I’m quite behind. The cold, I’d been fighting, won. I ended up staying home from work on Friday. Totally lost my voice for 3 days, much to the amusement of my family. I am on antibiotics, starting to sound less like a pubescent boy and was able to return to work for my very short week (two days) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

I had posted this photo on Instagram at the beginning of the month…totally unrelated to the photo a day….saying “run turkeys run” since they’d be on the menu soon.What I think is so funny is that this was taken in an industrial complex adjacent to Paisley Park. Although, I must admit, that there is still a lot of preserved land around the area. Thank goodness.

This week is filled with family time, food and fun.

What are you doing today? (or this week)

I had Thursday and Friday off work for MEA (Minnesota Educational Conference). Since I wasn’t attending any of the conference I was able to get a bit caught up on things around home. The kids and I did yardwork while the weather was gorgeous. So many leaves!!!!!

Yesterday brought rain…no yardwork to be done. That left time for indoor pursuits.

When I sat down to create I didn’t realize that I’d finish one page much less two. I was on a roll. It felt amazing to get my hands dirty with crafty goodness. 

This tea tag quote spoke volumes. Bliss…that’s what being creative again felt like.

The dimensional line of purple circles are actually tiny shells that have been dyed. I have no idea where I got them, I just happened to notice that they matched the punched flower and felt it would add some balance to the page.

This page came together from two parts that didn’t feel as if they belonged at first. The lavender is a napkin from Patty from some long ago gift she sent. Thank you Patty! Anyway…I had adhered the napkin over book text on a piece of cereal box and there it sat…for years. Yesterday it found a home.

Along with a few bits of this and that that spoke to me. The bit of lace helped mute the loud orange color down to a soft complement.

As I prepared to take photos for this post I realized that I made two pages that would work beautifully side by side in the journal. I didn’t even plan that. Obviously I had a palette in mind without thinking about it.

The pages flow. I love it when things work out like that!!

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for LANDSCAPES OF THE SOUL. 

Art Journal Journey

Aside from the daily Instagram posts I plan to do a recap of the photos periodically here as well.Welcome to T stands for Tuesday! Won’t you join me for a cuppa and a brief chat…

Since time is still fleeting for me I’m going to try something new this month. A daily photo challenge. I know at this point I’m already behind but that’s ok…I’ll catch up. I figure I should have time to snap a quick photo with my phone and upload it to my Instagram.

Now to decide which one I want to play along with….  I’ve narrowed it down to 3 choices, sticking with current challenges.

Regardless of which challenge I chose, I plan to do a recap of the photos periodically here as well as the daily Instagram posts. It should be a fun challenge keeping up with things and thinking outside the box at times especially with limited time.

What are you doing today?

This has been such a busy time for our family. Adjustments being made across the board. It makes me appreciate the simple things.

A family dinner with all of us present. A driveway chat with the neighbors. Having all the laundry done. And being creative with enough time and energy to share it with others.


The pieces of this fell into place without me even realizing it. I’ve been a bit of an emotional wreck on and off over the last 3 weeks….not even going to sugar coat that one. The changes were scary. I have taken comfort in my little bubble of security for the last decade or so. Pizza on Thursday, Fish on Friday. Routines and schedules grounded me…ground all of us. More than I ever realized.  I honestly thought of myself as spontaneous and I am…to a point. I just didn’t realize that as the years ticked past, my way of thinking and of life became more rigid.

This quote spoke to me. As much as I am enjoying my new career, I do morn for what was, as silly as that sounds.

I truly do like working in a school again. This job is definitely different than my previous but so am I and that’s ok.

ACK! See super emotional. Chatty and over sharing. Not my usual style.

Back to the journal page…. The little bit of lace just felt like the perfect finishing touch of the page.

It’s funny because if you’d have told me that I’d be spilling my guts on this journal spread and in the post when I got started I’d have told you that you were crazy. Well, look who’s a little crazy now. LOL

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Color in My World…highlighting my favorite color PINK/

Art Journal Journey

I’m back from vacation! It was wonderful…mini-me and I had a great time. Now that I’m caught up on laundry and all the other not so fun stuff once you get back home, I wanted to get creative again.remember the summer

I dug into my scrap bucket for inspiration. The background paper started out lavender…some distress paints did the trick on toning that right down.

I’ve been very drawn to blue/orange combo lately. It’s bold and exciting. remember the summer

The tickets attached to the page are from a family road trip in the early 1980’s with my parents. Amazing that mom still had those little bits squirreled away in a box of memories for so many years. The colors fit perfectly and cemented the direction I was headed with this page.remember the summer

The tangible bits of ephemera brought the memories alive within my head. I knew I had to use them and remind myself to remember that summer.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Summertime Love

Art Journal Journey

After a long day of landscaping…more on that in another post….something fun was in order.

fun this summer

I started with a sheet of page protector paper…random colors and stamps included. Note the date and circle stamping in the upper left. I was thinking fun so sunny, bright colors came to mind. I used my favorite tools to add this much needed color…my fingers! If I’m creating, I’m seldom without paint on my hands.

fun this summer

I used watered down paints on scrapbook paper to give life to this ice cream cone, using foam tape to give the scoop some dimension. I wasn’t sure I even liked this page last night I figured I’d be changing things up this morning.

Nope…after a good nights sleep, I like it! All that was left was to add the sentiment this morning.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Summertime Love

Art Journal Journey

Today for T stands for Tuesday I have a whole mess of things to talk about….now where do I start?!

Last week J got his braces off after nearly 4 years!! He looks so different…so grown up!! My friend Sandy sent him a care package of gooey sticky items for his indulgence after so long of abstaining. Thankfully he is my moderation kid and the treats will last a good long time.

I’ve continued to work on sorting and purging and reorganizing in several areas of the house since I had to move my sewing area to make room for the treadmill.  It went from this…

to this…

I love that I can walk/run anytime I want but have to admit that not having my sewing machine set up all the time is really going to cramp my creative style. I sew all the time!!!!! Eventually I will figure this out.  A temporary, easy set up station of some sort.

I finished everyone’s taxes just a few hours ago so I can mark that off my list. What a relief to have that chore done.

Let’s see what else….

I have taken some time to create a couple art journal pages in the midst of organizing. Neither are my favorites but its all about the process at times.

EDIT: I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey for this first journal page as suggested. Thanks Susi!

Art Journal Journey

I realizing that I’m missing using old books for my journals. I guess it’s my art ADD. I was so completely sold on loose leaf until…I wasn’t.  And so it goes.

The kids were really hoping for a snow day Monday morning…wouldn’t that be a wonderful gift after “springing forward” for Daylight Savings Time?!?  No such luck. The street was plowed curb to curb when I got up at 5:30 (the old 4:30)…ugh. That was fine with me I had plenty of items on my list to keep me busy…such as shoveling.

Check that one off the list. It actually ended up to be a beautiful sunny day. Even though the temps never crested the freezing point…the suns rays are warm enough to melt snow.

In addition to sorting my crafting life, I’m also doing a bit of sorting of old paperwork and junk…basically trying to find space for things that are actually important.

Buried at the back of the bottom filing cabinet drawer was a stack of DVDs. I honestly couldn’t even remember getting these…until I started watching them. OH my gosh!! So much fun to see the house I grew up in…relatives that have passed on….how awkward we all were in front of a first generation VHS camera.

One of our relatives was tech savvy back in the day and bought himself a video camera. He brought it to family functions to record them for posterity. At the time I was kind of mortified but now am so thankful for these recordings. I got so see and hear my dad again!  It was a little sad watching these videos but at the same time a gift. Seeing and hearing all the people that have passed on. Getting to show my kids a mini walk thorough of my childhood home. Having them laugh at me being young but still having the same mannerisms as I do now. Even better…seeing the exact same reaction from me as Mini-me has in the same situation. Laughter to tears and back again. So thankful for these awkwardly funny memories.

Tuesday holds errands and a couple appts as well as a college fair at the high school in the evening for us.

What are you doing today?


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