Tag : day in the life

64 posts

craft centralFor this weeks edition of T stands for Tuesday, I just had to show you what Little J and I have done….

We’ve turned the game table into craft central for the week. We are borrowing the neighbor’s Cuttlebug and amazing amount of accessories…not even all on the table… so we definitely needed a bigger space to work.

As you can see I have a nice summer beverage in my favorite glass.  Ice, 1/3 glass orange juice then fill with club soda. My usual is club soda and 100% unsweetened cranberry juice but I ran out.


I’m going through my scrap files and embossing papers for future use as well as creating some embellishments for cards.

Little J is working on her stash of cards for the year and some goodies for her Smash book.

Little J cardsThese are a few cards she made yesterday.

With Mr. G at work and Big J at camp during the day, we crank up the Pandora radio and get our crafty groove on.  It’s nice to get that special  time with my favorite girl.

What are you doing today?

yoga catYesterday was National Night Out. Our neighborhood didn’t have an event planned but a neighbor did come knock on the door saying they were having a hotdog roast and fire. Cool. I already had supper nearly finished, so we planned to join after. Of course, Gracie thought it was a good time to do a little yoga at the front door.

ping pong hailWe knew we were under a tornado watch but went out anyway…heck, we were just across the street.

The clouds and thunder rolled in and scared us home none too soon. Within a few minutes we were getting ping pong sized hail. That’s the biggest I’ve ever witnessed.

grill cover holesWe were very fortunate. We lost no tree limbs…or power. Mr. G got his car in the garage just as the hail was beginning so I don’t think there is any damage there.

This morning I went out to survey the yard. Our grill cover has several holes punched through. Again…not a big deal, other than the fact that we just bought the dumb cover a month or so ago.

sad tomatoes


My garden fared very well considering. I did lose 20+ yellow pear tomatoes but my big tomatoes suffered no loses.

Never mind the grass growing in my garden.



hail damaged hostas



My very large hosta plants seemed to have suffered the most. The 6inch wide leaves have holes ripped through them.  Again, we are very fortunate. Just about 8 miles down the road they had baseball sized hail that was taking out windows and doing much greater damage.

All in all I can’t complain. Yeah we have a little yard clean up to do but we’re all fine and the light s are on. It’s a good day.


tea lightI’m enjoying a quiet, overcast, drizzly morning with a cup of coffee. Mr. G is out the door to work and the kidlets are still sleeping. How long do you think I can keep calling them kidlets when the oldest is my height? I say, FOREVER!!

Since it is so gloomy I decided to light my tea cup candle while I read and sip my coffee.

rainy day GracieKnitting group is on the docket for today as well as a little back to school shopping. School supplies have been purchased and are packed  in the backpacks. Big J is in denial while Little J is excited to go back in just over a month.

Gracie is attempting to will away the rain with her mind so that we can go sit outside. Good luck kitty. Maybe we can  enjoy a little time later but that concrete has to dry to make it comfy for furry paws.

What are you doing today?

Want to join the T Tuesday fun? Just click the button on my sidebar and it will take you to Elizabeth’s blog.

garage salecraft tablesYikes! I’m just starting to crawl back to the functional world. Let me explain.

Towards the end of the day Thursday….the first day of the neighbors garage sale…I began to lose my voice. Ok, that wasn’t so bad…a bit of comic relief for the others.

By the end of our mediocre sale at noon on Saturday, I was starting to think that I wasn’t just dealing with laryngitis but a cold virus instead.

Unfortunately, I was right. A summer cold!! They are the worst.  I’ve been sleeping in the recliner to help with the coughing.  I’d been waiting it out, thinking I’d get better until yesterday I couldn’t take it anymore.  I went to the doctor and I have an ear infection. Thank goodness for antibiotics even though I’m not a fan of taking them. I’m already starting to feel slightly better. Hey, I can actually sit in front of the computer.

I figured I’d show you my little setup of crafts at the sale. However, I didn’t sell much. It was more of a “guys” sale with lots of tools and greasy things. Oh well. Live and learn.

20130716_2617So my friend Elizabeth has started a new tradition…which is a twist on an old one. She is asking everyone to check in on Tuesdays with what ever you’ve got going on that day. You asked for it my friend….

I have a really busy day ahead…a busy week in fact.  Before I dive into the day, I’m enjoying a quiet moment with my coffee and computer.

I won’t go into all the minutia of the day such as meal prep, shopping, errands and cleaning but my main focus today is garage sale stuff.

20130716_2620My neighbors are having a sale  starting Thursday and we have a ton of stuff to contribute.

This is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak.

I have the storage room completely torn apart. Boxes all over the family room waiting to be sorted. I still need to go through my closet and more in depth in the craft room. So far I only have a tray of rubber stamps that are leaving.

We keep thinking of other things to get rid of…so we tear into another room or closet.

It’s chaos, I tell you. CHAOS!!

But first…Little J and I are going to knitting.20130716_2618 I need a dose of friends and laughter before tackling anymore boxes!!

What are you doing today?




Saturday, we had sleet…briefly…but sleet, none the less.

Yesterday, I had my plants sunning on the deck in 50°F temps.20130512_1970

Just take a peek at the forecast for today and tomorrow!


I had the furnace on yesterday…looks like the A/C will be running tomorrow.

Never know what you’re going to get here in good old MN.

You never know what you’re going to get in Minnesota.

Little J and I traveled 2.5 hours north to a camp for a weekend of Mother Daughter quality time. The lake was still iced over when we got there. Frozen Lake in MayIt was cold and drizzling but we decided to make the best of it…even horseback riding in the rain. We wore several layers of coats, topped with rain-gear, hats and gloves.horseback riding

There were 14 in our group all sharing our cabin which incidentally had no bathroom but at least it had a furnace!! It was wonderful getting to know this group of women more over the weekend. All of our daughters got to know each other and fostered some new friendships.

There were over 400 women and girls at the camp!! I’ve never been a part of anything like this before. So much fun. I can only imagine that it would have been exponentially more fun if the weather was better and Little J had been feeling better. But she was a trooper and didn’t whine or complain or beg to go home. We had ridden with a friend so leaving would have been a major issue.

We did lots of crafting…fabric headband Fabric headband

leather craftLeather stamping

picture frame

Painted frame

mousetrp note holder

Mousetrap note holder


Clothespin caterpilars

We skipped most of the outdoor activities. We spent enough time in the cold drizzle walking from building to building for activities.

Tomorrow I’ll show one last weekend craft that is a technique that I’ve seen others, such as Elizabeth, demonstrate on their blogs. Super fun!!


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