Tag : day in the life

64 posts

Okay, this has absolutely nothing to do with art so if you don’t aren’t interested…you may go now…I won’t feel bad at all.

So today I was heading over to my moms after dropping Little J early at school for choir.  The windchill was -30 something °F…really, does it even matter at that point. My mini van displayed this for a temp….

2014-02-27 07.59.46Yikes! I can assure you…it was cold!!!

Anyway…the reason for my photo and my rant was this….

2014-02-27 07.59There was someone on a bicycle…in rush hour traffic…on icy roads…crazy…just crazy.

Seriously…my version of exercise doesn’t involve risking my life on icy roads in sub zero temps. Ok..I’m stepping down off my soapbox now and going back to creating art.


abstractI know it doesn’t look very “snowy”. The reason I say I was inspired by the snow was that this canvas had a painting that used very dark colors. I’d been leaving it for a few days trying to decide if I was done. Turns out…I wasn’t. It needed to light and bright like snow. I thought I was going to save a bit of the original inside the circle but in the end I covered the whole works. I really like it now. So glad I let myself sit and stew on the original.

So where does the snow come in??

Well, where do I start? We got over 9 inches on Thursday night into Friday. Another snow day for the kiddos. They’ll never get out of school at this rate.  This storm followed one that dumped around 6 inches on Monday.

tall pile

See this pile…I used it to stand on to pull snow off the roof. Little J got a real nice shot of the avalanche.

snow from the roof

You may recall my garden box along the deck…summer gardenThis is the current view from the garage…. snowy garden boxThis storm created the most treacherous driving conditions that the state patrol has seen in 25 years according to news reports. I was worried about Mr. G driving but he made it safe and sound….just late.

snow doodle

The snow is pretty and the kids enjoy playing in it…and it makes a pretty good canvas for snow doodles curtsey Little J.

winter gear Me…I’m ready to hang up the Sorrels and Carhartts for the season.

JanuraryHere we are with the first check in and I’m 2 days late. Nice. Oh well…I made it and that’s all that matters.

I managed to get something in each day.  Just a brief note about my day…or a picture…or whatever came to mind. I noticed that Sunday I don’t really have much to talk about.

FeburaryMy February calendar is ready to go… I’ll likely add more embellishment along the way but for now I’m thinking that I’m going to leave my calendar pages somewhat unadorned then if/when the mood strikes during the month I can add whatever I want.

I like that I only have an inch and a half to fill…well likely more like 1.25 inches. Short and sweet, no pressure journalling. Just my speed. I’ve got to get dinner going but I’ll be back later to check out the linky gadget over at thekathrynwheel.

I’m so done with Winter’s bitter cold that has been plaguing us for the past month or so.  The kids have yet another day off of school. I’m glad…crazy cold temps and wind chill today. I’m afraid the school is going to have to add a day into the schedule somewhere to make up for the 3 days they have had off due to extreme cold.

coldSo….since it was a cold day in Hell, I decided to organize. *grin*

yarnI got all my yarn into one bin.

fabricFabric into another…well, the fabric that was in random boxes anyway.

emptyAnd look at this…I ended up with an empty bin. It won’t remain empty for long.

puzzle prepI did do a tiny bit of playing with another giant puzzle while I was waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle. It was just to darn cold to hang out down there any longer than necessary.

yo yo maI found this photo when I pulled the pictures off my camera today. Little J had set up the yo-yos I had sewn yesterday into a fancy little display and photographed them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I guess. :)

craft tableIt was a good day!

Lots of familiar faces and some new acquaintances.

I didn’t bring my camera this time..honestly, didn’t even think of it.  Thankfully our hostess for this event had her wonderful camera phone to capture the moment.

A couple days ago I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to pull today off.  I was covered in hives after doing yard work.  I’ve never had hives before and never want to experience them again.  I think I have the culprit figured out. Creeping Charlie…also known as ground ivy. I have a severe reaction to poison ivy so it stands to reason that I might react to a relative as well.  Benedryl is my friend.



school startsThe buses have come to get my kidlets for the first day of school.This is the last year for each of them in each of their schools. Next year they each move up to new schools. My days as an elementary school library volunteer are numbered.

The house is extremely quiet.

Gracie is already napping.

listI’ve been working on my list.Somethings are must do today and some will stretch out to the rest of the week.

I haven’t used a list most of the summer. It feels good to get back on track.

So where is my beverage of choice today since it is T stands for Tuesday after all.coffee's done

Well, my coffee was gone long ago since I was up at dark:30. My cup has already been washed and returned to the rack.  How’s that for efficient?!

Wish me luck keeping that pace.

I’m skipping knitting today in favor of setting the house to right after a week of everyone including Mr. G being home.

We’ve been busy soaking up the last bits of summer even in the extreme heat of last week.

skyflyerWe went to the fair that was being dubbed the Great Minnesota “sweat-together” rather than get-together.

The day we went it was about 95°F with a heat index of 105°F. We came home about 2pm since Little J had school open house that afternoon. Just as I was going to shower to get presentable, our power went out.  Little J and I each had a nice candle lit shower. We went to school with wet heads since a hair dryer wasn’t an option. Oh well.

Luckily our power was restored in fairly short order so we could enjoy the A/C and fans overnight.skytower

I’m not really sure what’s going on with our power grid around here but it’s starting to make me nervous.

This last photo was taken from the Space Tower. You can see the Minneapolis skyline in the background. I had never been on the Space Tower before. I was glad we did it right away in the morning because I’m sure it would get very hot and stuffy towards afternoon.

Enough blather from me…I need to tackle my list!

What are you doing today?



T TuesdayHere it is Tuesday again and I’m linking up with my friend Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesday. I’m pretty sure time is speeding up as we approach Labor Day and the start of school.

Little J and I made use of the time that her big brother was at camp last week. Being a teenage boy, he hates shopping. I’m not so fond of it myself but my girl…she can shop!! We went to Kohl’s 3 days last week. Yikes! The third was unscheduled…we stopped by my mom’s and she wanted to get something to wear for an upcoming wedding.

thank you cardLittle J and I also went to Goodwill twice, Costco, the Mall (not MOA), ACE hardware, Target and of course, the grocery store.  Geesh. We didn’t buy a lot but all those add up to a lot of time and moola. But now with the exception of shoes for the boy…I am DONE!! No more shopping for school.

We had a quiet weekend with a neighborhood bonfire Saturday. Late Sunday evening was a bit more exciting. We were watching a movie when the power went out. Everyone seemed to come out from their homes to see if the world swimwas ending or if it was just them without electricity.  Power was out for a huge area even though it was a gorgeous night without a cloud in the sky. We have yet to find out why.

In addition, we’ve been still Cuttlebug crazy. I’m going to get it all packed up and give it back this week. I want my family room back!!

Since the hot humid weather has finally found its way back to MN…we went for a dip in a friends pool. Ah, refreshing.

Today we have another busy Tuesday on tap. It’s going to be a scorcher too! Yuck.

What are you doing today?

Maybe you should stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth’s for a spell.


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