Tag : gardening

106 posts

Yesterday morning before the impending rainfall I hurried up and planted my garden. I had planned to plant over the weekend but when Mr. G went to rototill the garden we discovered millions of ants and larvae under a stepping stone smack in the middle of the garden! Crud! I grabbed a flat shovel and scooped off all the larvae and hoards of ants and threw them away. YUCK! they were crawling all over us.

While Mr. G went to work with the rototiller, I went inside to look up garden safe solutions to my ant problem. I made a concoction of water, borax and sugar, then soaked some cotton balls in it and placed them in a plastic lid in the freshly tilled garden. I never actually saw any ants drinking my mix. I think it was the heat of the blazing sun that drove them away…that and the search for the larvae. Fingers crossed that they are gone for good.

In the big garden I have the usual fair…although I am trying cucumbers in this garden again. In previous years I haven’t had good luck with them but this year I purchased some really nice healthy looking plants instead of starting seeds. I planted them close to the fence so they can crawl right up.

T Tuesday: planting edition

Some of you may remember last fall that I decided to just leave my herbs in the garden and see what happened. Well the rosemary died as many told me it would but the sage and thyme are flourishing,  I cut back some of the thyme just to make room for a tomato plant. I’m drying a couple of bundles…it smells so heavenly.

T Tuesday: planting edition

I made a last minute addition of a jalapeno plant near the gate. I was planning to put it in the deck box garden but changed my mind. Do you see my plant stakes I’m using as row markers??  A pink teapot and a purple butterfly. I think the teapot works for beverage related post…right?

T Tuesday: planting edition

My deck box garden has just two things…our favorite little yellow pear tomatoes and the horseradish plant I tried to eradicate last fall. Guess it didn’t work. :) My worm tower is definitely looking weathered like the rest of the garden. After it rains again I’m going to try and find some more worms to live in the bin. I fear some of red wigglers perished over winter as the scraps in the tower aren’t going down as quickly as before.

T Tuesday: planting edition

The deck boxes have flower, herbs and onions. I grew green onions from seed in half egg shells this year. Just an experiment. Likely won’t do it again unless these turn out amazing. The shells were hard to crush before planting without crushing the fragile onions. I did find two volunteer onions in the big garden so I moved them to be with their friends.

T Tuesday: planting edition

In addition to the onion volunteers, I found some dill and thyme growing from the dirt I had dumped from the pots last fall. Mother Nature can be very persistent.

I still have 3 tomato plants that I plan to put in my in-laws garden plus whatever seeds I have left.

We also purchased a CSA share this year. We had joined a different one a few years ago and liked the produce but the cost vs amount we received just didn’t make sense or maybe that should be cents. *grin* Our neighbor has been using this CSA for 7 years now and I’ve been able to see first hand the wonderful boxes of farm fresh veggies they get each week. So excited for it to start. Just a couple more weeks! I’ll be sure to share with you our bounty.

Playing taxi driver for my mom today unless her plans have changed

What are you doing today?

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth.

fusion breakfast

When I took this photo last week I was intending to show you both my Indian/Mexican fusion breakfast and my new journal. Turns out the journal is no longer mine. Mini-me came home and asked if Micheal’s had more like this one but with a J monogram. Lucky for her a whole alphabet of monogram letters came in the back of the journal. Looks like I’m out of a journal.

You may have noticed my announcement on the main page that I’m working on my site. I’m attempting to make it more user friendly with category pages as well as the main front page to find the newest content. I know I have some readers who could care diddly squat about my garden but came to see crafty projects. Hopefully this change will happen as I imagine.

Speaking of gardens…


my seedlings are coming along quite nicely even with the late start they got.  I have them in a large plastic bin with a clear top so that Marvin can’t get to them but they still get the grow light and sunshine from the patio door.


Look at that innocent face while he’s sleeping.


“No I wouldn’t cause any trouble”


Yes, yes he would. He’s definitely still a kitten…just a giant, clumsy kitten.

I’m off for my usual Tuesday craziness. I’ll get around to visiting eventually.

Until then….What are you doing today?

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I can’t believe how late I am this year starting my seeds. I usually start them around St Patrick’s Day. Somehow it slipped my mind that week then the next was a disaster of monstrous proportions when Murphey stopped by and overstayed his welcome.

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I settled on two kinds of tomatoes and green onions this year. At least for now.  I’m not ruling out starting a couple more things. Last year my small starter plants didn’t fair well once transplanted so I’m not sure if it’s worth the time and effort,

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I decided to try planting my green onion seeds in egg shells this year. For one…they are so cute! And secondly, I can just slightly crush the shell when planting the sprouts in a bigger container instead of trying to move those spindly little onions one by one. Experimentation is always fun.

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I’ve been saving my larger plastic containers for transplanting the tomatoes out of the disposable cups (which BTW I’ve had on hand for ages!! Not terribly “green” but they are a necessary evil when hosting a large crowd. ) I decided to cut up a lid and use it as plant markers. This works so much better than wooden popsicle sticks!!

Hopefully next time I share photos the containers will be sporting little tiny green seedlings.

Welcome to a chilly edition of T stands for Tuesday!

T stands for Tuesday

All summer I had been giving you garden updates so today I thought I’d show you my winter garden. Maybe I should rephrase that….my garden in winter.

Last week before the temps dropped into the negative°F, we had a little snow that gave everything a lovely coat of white. Since I had to go out to shovel anyway, I grabbed the camera for a little photo tour.

winter garden

You can see my rosemary, sage and horseradish covered in snow. I have no idea of the herbs will make it but I’m not terribly concerned. I harvested a bunch for smudge sticks late in the season.
winter garden

I love how the snow rests on the fencing and flags.

winter garden

I decided to leave the flags up this year as they are quite faded and worn. I want to replace them next summer.

winter garden

winter garden
How do you think the worms are doing in their tower? I hope they dug deep enough to survive the winter. Only time will tell.

winter garden tea

As for me…I’m drinking lots of hot tea trying to keep warm. The cocoa is for Mr. G…he’s taking a vacation day. Good day to do it too when it’s so dang cold! Especially since he works both inside and out.

What are you doing today?

During the process of putting the garden to bed for the winter, I drastically trimmed back my herbs. Now I am crossing my fingers that the plants themselves will overwinter.

Anyway I decided to make some smudge sticks as I have heard that burning sage helps deter mosquitoes.  Worth a try.


I found a spool of heavy duty cotton button thread in my stash and set to work.

Smudge sticks

I likely could have made 4 bundles but honestly they were a pain to make. It will be interesting to see if they work next summer.

I’m linking up once again with Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesday

vintage look tea

my beverage is coffee again. Soon with the weather changing I’ll be back to tea to stay warm.

Lots on calendar today including 2 doctor appointments.

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday

Today for this edition of T stands for Tuesday I thought I’d share a DIY project made from recycled pieces of the kids old play set.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

I read about worm tower composting on Pinterest. It looked like a great solution for my raised bed garden. Most of the links I saw used a PVC pipe instead of wood.

Since we had scrap cedar laying around it seemed like a perfect use without spending any money. Mr. G did the construction and drilling of the holes for me after I explained my idea.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

The holes let the worms migrate in and out of the tower to spread the compost throughout the raised bed.  Isn’t that awesome…they do the work for me!

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

We even had an old handle in the shed from the sandbox cover. A perfect fit for the lid.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

Now it was time to  install … I dug down to the bottom of the box…well truth be told the box doesn’t have a solid bottom….just landscape cloth. I assume eventually that will rot away.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

I back filled all around the tower and attached it with one screw just in case some critter decided to try and mess with it. It looks like it’s always been there.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

Now all I needed was some composting worms.  Amazon.com never ceases to amaze me with what I am able to order.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

This was a strange bin to find on my front step a few days later.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

I started saving kitchen scraps after ordering my worms. The paperwork that came with them said they also enjoy paper and cardboard. I grabbed a couple handfuls of shredded paperwork and started layering the material in the tower.

recycled wood worm tower | Halle's Hobbies

Honestly I was worried about getting the worms…would they still be alive? Yep…red and wiggly. I have no idea if they will survive a Minnesota winter  in the garden and worm tower. From what I read they do have a good chance of survival.  Only time will tell.

Do you compost? I’d love to hear about your system.

Ah here we are…the end of summer. Gardening is all but done. Leaves are turning and falling at a rapid pace around here. The birds and critters are frantically storing food for the long winter. IMG_0614

I ripped out the plants from the home gardens yesterday. I still have plants in my in-laws garden that will come out next weekend.canningI’ve been canning like crazy. More spicy beans and salsa. I’m really looking forward to breaking into those jars come the dead of winter!!

I also have to share my colorful carrots.carrots

Aren’t they pretty!! I sampled a couple and they are quite tasty. These are going in my next beef roast dinner. YUM!

My important phone call I mentioned last week came but not with the results I had hoped for. Such a bummer!!! I really thought I had that job! I even had gotten a tour of “my work space” at the end of the interview.

BAH!! Anyway…moving on…

Since I don’t have a regular gig to go to, I’ll continue to do my on-call subbing. At least that leaves time for art!

I’ve actually done a bit of creating! Will wonders never cease! IMG_0617I completed one art journal page and just need to put the  final touches on a second. Waiting for paint and glue to dry. The above page isn’t my favorite but I was just happy that I still had the drive to create.

I’ll be meeting with some friends for breakfast today…real casual. Likely head there after working out…seriously casual. :) Not exactly sure what the rest of the day holds for me…other than a shower. HA!

What are you doing today?


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