Tag : recycling

140 posts

After nearly a week of no arts or crafts I was starting to go through withdrawals.

There has been quite a bit of chatter on the Yahoo groups I belong to about charms lately. I made these since ones today from some MahJong tiles I had laying around.
My only question is: Do I have these in the proper direction?

The next item I played around with was some more paper beads. I had used up almost all I had made before. They are so simple and very addictive to make. Now I really want to make some smaller ones. I’m thinking if I get some coffee stirring straws, they’ll be thin enough to make some small beads on.

I have also started cutting fabric for a quilt. I’ve made an all flannel quilt using this pattern but this time I am planning on doing flannel on one side and denim on the other. Today in celebration of a 16lb weight loss…I cut up 3 pairs of jeans to put to good use in the quilt!


I fixed up this cute little purse yesterday as well. The skirt had attatched shorts under it for modesty. All I had to do was sew the leg holes shut. I threw in a little cotton lace trim for the unexpected.

My little girl came home with a hole in the knee of her FAVORITE pants. She was nearly heartbroke. I’ve been telling her that they were getting too short so we’d have to hand them down anyway. I decided to patch the knee with a cute pink square to salvage them for a few more wearings. She got so many complements on my silly little patch job that it I got to thinking, if I sewed a ruffle on the bottom that we could make them last at least until summer. I didn’t have to go buy anything…everything came from my stash of seldom used fabric and notions.

I was a busy bee this morning and got 4 more ornaments put together. Amazing what you can get done without the kids around.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I actually have been creating but mostly personal stuff.

These are a couple of ornaments that I finished today.
I think I have half a dozen more to go.

Can you tell what they are made from? Check out the post labels for the answer.

I’ve been saving bottlecaps for quite a while now…my neighbors and family even save them for me occasionally. Nice to have people like that even if they do think I’m odd.

I was inspired to make these bottlecap magnets aftering seeing a post about some Christmas ones on Ali Edwards blog.

I only had very thin sheet magnets at home so they aren’t really strong enough to hold up anything but themselves. Who said art had to be practical, right?!?

I have 16 more sitting taking up precious table space while the Crystal Lacquer dries. Next time …hopefully…I’ll remember to put them on a tray or something so I can move them outta my way!!

UPDATE: Here are the 15 that turned out…

I finished up a new pants purse today. I’ve been working on it for the last couple days. I fell in love with the red corduroy and remembered the fun retro print fabric I had stashed away. Perfect match. The L.L. Bean corduroy pants I got on $3 a bag day at a local church rummage sale. They were like brand new. The other pants I got all showed much more wear…or maybe that’s just more “character”.

I have a custom handbag that has a drawstring closure that I love. I wanted to emulate that in this bag.

I’m very happy with the way it turned out…of course with every thing a person makes, it’s easy to “knit-pick” it apart with the things that could have/should have/would have done differently.


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