Tag : recycling

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I went to one of my favorite thrift shops today and came home with some nifty fabrics and a large zipper bag of fun fibers. I even found a nearly new pair of Columbia snow pants for my boy for $4. It was a fun morning…I’m showing my almost 5 yr old the joys of thrifting!

On our way home, my girl and I stopped to buy some notions from the fabric store…I should be able to get a couple of purses done in the next few days. That’s the hope anyway.

I went to my favorite bi-annual church rummage sale. Yesterday I went for the “good treasures” such as some cool books to alter as well as a cute little fabric book cover with built in bookmark and handles for carrying. I was lucky enough to find a book that fit it very well at the same sale. SCORE!

I also bought a dress..not my size or style..but it had great potential as fabric ATC’s. It had rectangles of different tropical scenes all over it. Here are a few quick fabric ATC’s from it. Fabric that small seems to give me trouble. I’ll have to keep trying. I think I’ll be doing more hand sewing than I had anticipated.

Today was $3 bag day..pretty sure I got over a dozen pair of jeans and cords to make into purses. Too fun!

Say that 10 times fast!!

I’m pretty excited about this one. The first pants purse I made never got lined and I just tied the straps to the belt loops. This one is completely finished off. Still may have a couple stray threads here and there but I think it looks pretty darn good…thanks to Mrs. Wilwerding…my 8th grade Home Economics teacher who taught me how to sew.

I’m over half way through making all my little houses for the chunky book swap I’m participating in on BookArtz.

The little house measures 3 inches wide by 7 inches tall. The little chimney is one of my handmade paper beads.

8/10/07 UPDATE:

I finished all 34 of my little houses! I’m proud of the fact that I didn’t buy anything to do this swap. It was a self-challenge. I’ve been spending too much on supplies lately so I decided I wasn’t going to participate unless I could do it VERY INEXPENSIVELY. I used cereal and cracker boxes as my substrate, painted pages torn from a book I altered…I used bits and pieces and scraps for everything. I guess you’d say that glue, paint and UTEE for the paper beads I had to pay for but that is from long ago so I wouldn’t really count that.

I had intended this to be a fun project for the kids and I to do together. They liked ripping up the junk mail but as soon as I started blending the bits into pulp they both got grossed out. They wouldn’t hardly come near the dish pan that held the pulp. So it ended up being entirely my project while they played.

When the paper was nearly dry when I decided I didn’t really care for the color of them. I sprayed them with a little more water then got out some walnut ink…still not satisfied I got out my kids watercolor paints and made squiggles, dots, splatters and lines all over them.

I still don’t know if I’m excited about the end result mainly because I had an idea of what I was going to use them for but the wild colors won’t really go with the vintage appearance of the box I painted.

I’ll likely make some more paper with different colors that will match the painted box better and use these for something entirely different.

Alright…I met the challenge head on and created this little guy from bits and pieces of trash that would have otherwise ended up in the landfill. He’s not the cutest, sweetest guy around but he certainly carries a great message.

I am a huge recycler! I learned it from my dad. He was a depression era baby so everything was precious. He was always dragging something home that was destined for the dump. The house I grew up in and our cabin both had stairs leading down from the outside decks that were the stairs in the stands from old Met Stadium. Dad took as much as he could haul and store. I don’t know if the present owners of either place even know where their outdoor stairs came from but it makes me happy to know that dad did his part in saving some history.

A dear friend of mine whose birthday also happens to be today put forth a challenge:

Dr. E wrote “I want to talk a little bit about one of the things that means a LOT
to me: Earth Day, another day we celebrate today. When Earth Day
first started, people who recycled were considered liberals, tree
huggers, and kooks. Composters were arrested in Florida and Colorado
for having eyesores in their yards, and people who wore Berkinstocks
were labeled “odd.” I may be a kook, and I may have a compost pile,
but I believe that if you buy something, you do so with a purpose of
using it until it has been used to its fullest potential. That’s why
I believe we should use our found objects (anything destined for the
trash) in our art and take our food waste to the compost pile. Let’s
celebrate Earth Day by gathering found objects, then making wonderful
art from them.

Therefore, I challenge each of you to make something this week from
one or more found objects.”

I’m going to take her up on her challenge and will post my results later this week.


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