Tag : art journal

259 posts

altered book vs art journal | Halle's Hobbies

Over the years there seems to have been a shift in the verbiage used to describe the process of taking a book of little or no use and making it into a piece of art. Or perhaps it could even be a book with great meaning to you and you want to express yourself within it. Either way…you are altering it from it’s original purpose. Hence the name altered book, right?!  But the line has been blurred as mixed media and collage entered the scrapbook and paper arts world. I’m not saying this is a bad thing…more products, techniques, blogs and tutorials out there. Mixed media entered the main stream. Along with that is where the shift happened from altered books to art journals.

I’ve always felt (and still do) that explaining to outsiders what an altered book was bordered on exhausting at times. I’d, all too often, get a blank stare from the person I was talking to about my new passion. Somehow changing the way I described what I was doing as art journaling made more sense to my audience. Oh, it’s just art in journal form. Sure, if that makes it easier for you to understand…I’m cool with that.

For me, I feel as if the difference between an altered book and an art journal has a couple different facets. An altered book must first of all have been a written and published book. Secondly, for it to be an altered book, it has a theme.  Such as this Vintage Fashion altered book….which happens to be the first round robin altered book swap I ever participated in.  Too bad postage costs have skyrocketed since then.

vintage fashion altered book | Halle's Hobbies

 After completing a few themed altered books, I began creating pages randomly with no theme. Just a place to play and be creative. Somewhere along the line I started calling my “no theme” altered books, art journals. It seemed easier or perhaps more logical way to describe them once I heard more about art journals.

For me, I feel an art journal can be comprised of any substrate. Plain or scrapbook paper, card stock, bound journal, moleskin, cardboard. You name it…it’s likely been tried…as well as, you guessed it….published books. This causes the dreaded crossover…well, is it an art journal or an altered book? I feel as if I’m talking in circles.

I think what it comes down to is personal preference. It is art after all. You can call it whatever you want. We all define what we think is art in very different ways. You aren’t going to please everyone and you shouldn’t try. Art is an expression of yourself. There are no hard and fast rules…which is why I got interested in altered art 11 years ago.

So there you have it…my opinion on the difference between an altered book and an art journal. What is your take on this subject? Do you agree or have another ideas? I’d love to hear your opinions.

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday brought to you by Elizabeth aka alteredbooklover. Pull up a chair, grab a cup and stay a while.T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's HobbiesI missed last Tuesday due to the flu…but since then I’ve been getting back to being creative. Now that I’ve got a few journal pages under my belt, I feel as if the creativity is flowing again.

I’m on a a mission to finish this journal. I think perhaps there is space for one more spread. I hadn’t realized until I was over half way through this book turned journal, how filthy the language was in it. I had grabbed the book off a the free shelf at the library with the sole intention of making a journal. I never read any of it. T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

After discovering the salty language including numerous F-bombs, I have been very careful to thoroughly cover the written words. I’d hate to have my kids pick up the journal and read something totally inappropriate.

T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

The black tissue paper did a fantastic job with this. It also added wonderful texture. I also use a palette knife to spread some heavy gesso through a circle stencil. I think I was channeling the ’80s.  Actually that’s not too far from the truth. I’d been talking about the Sadie Hawkins dance with J just before this. It had a neon theme. Very 80s meets rave party from the photos that I saw. Made me think of my first high school dance (and the photo that showed up on FB a while back…WOW!)…very typical 80s…of course, it was the 80s!!

Boy that was quite a tangent…back to the journal.T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

I wish I could have captured the sparkle of this page better but it’s very grey and rainy outside and the artificial light just doesn’t show it true to life.

T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

I’m off to meet with friends this morning…it’s been so long!!

What are you doing today?

I broke out the gelatos again for my latest journal page. I love how smoothly they blend. They are just a joy to work with. Such vibrant colors.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I also love how the page text shows through adding to the texture of the spread.

I definitely stepped outside my comfort zone with these colors. I’m always surprised when I try something new and it turns out better than I ever hoped.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

When it came time for words on the page a conversation I’d had earlier with a neighbor came to mind. We were catching up on life….we don’t see each other much over winter. I mentioned I’d been sick and hadn’t been working much. We talked about the past and the future.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

These words jumped out at me. I am living my dream. I am blessed.

Hello! I’m back! In reality I never “left” but have been totally out of commission with influenza. Yep…first it was Mini-me, then Mr, G then me. Everybody quickly knock on wood with me that J has been spared. It was a MEAN bout of influenza. We are all still coughing but have been told that could last for weeks! Honestly I’m still not 100%. I thought I was doing well yesterday until I was 1/3 of that way through my weekly grocery shopping and broke out in a sweat and felt as if I could pass out at any moment. Needless to say…I cut my list short and headed home. Enough talk of things totally out of my control and on with the art.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

As I’ve been continuing to paint the 3D printed Catan tiles, my extra paint has been spread randomly on this journal page.

This morning I was feeling a bit of creative energy….I didn’t give much thought…just worked with items around me.hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

At this point is when I realized that my head is still a bit foggy. I had heard a small splash while making the India ink drips but it took a good minute to realize what had happened.hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

I was holding the bottle of ink in one hand and the dropper in the other…evidently I tipped my hand a little too far over. DUH! What a mess!!! Luckily I did get it cleaned up and remarkably didn’t get any on my nice jeans or white sweater!!  When inspiration strikes I don’t often think about what I’m wearing….I’ve ruined several nice things that way.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

I decided on a glassine envelope to hold a bit of private journalling.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

The tag I used was just a bit of scrap paper that I cut down to fit….that was the intent at least. I cut it a bit short (did I mention my head was a bit foggy) so I added a “handle” of sorts by simply stapling some black and white polka dot paper to the scrap.

That’s it for today…I need to rest a bit more before a necessary errand.


Let’s take a look back at a post from 2 years ago. Typically I go back further for Second on the 2nd but as I was looking back through posts I remembered how much I liked (and still do) this journal page. I also remember that my creativity was running in high gear at the time. I was loving every moment of it.



Productive Wednesday

I had so much fun making the first journal spread yesterday, I went back for another.


Once again I worked in my white journal.  Boy, I just realized that I have 4 journals going at once. And I have an idea for yet another. I should probably wait on that idea at least until I fill one of the currents to capacity.

Wednesday texture

Tissue paper was used as a start for this page as well. It had been crumpled over and over again. Lots of tiny little creases. It started out very purple…or maybe violet. The color was a little too “in your face” for my taste. I used a couple of mists around the edges to tone it down to a dull roar.. The aqua washi tape begged me to use it with the new deeper shade of purple. The black and white just helped everything else pop on the page. I have this thing about circles…I use them all the time. They just make me happy I guess.

So last evening I still hadn’t had enough creativity for the day. My sewing machine was still calling me.  I grabbed bits and pieces of fabric, paper, fiber and trims to sew together for collage cards. I didn’t give it much thought…just went for it.

collage card marathon

I made 21 mini collages that will eventually become greeting cards. Some will be left blank…others will have sentiments…some collages may not make the cut. Who cares…it was all scraps and bits laying around.


Some of these mini-collage cards led to being asked to write an article for Sew Somerset magazine. That could be another reason I like this post so much.

Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me today. Do you have a favorite project from the past?

Today’s version of T stands for Tuesday will be short and sweet…hopefully.

healthy bfast

I’m continuing my effort to eat a good healthy breakfast in hopes of making better choices throughout the day. Especially now that I’m finally. *knock on wood* better…with the exception of a little cough.

I made a few more of my button pendants…

button pendants

Now if I’d only get around to listing some in my etsy store. As much as I love creating, I hate the time and effort the listing process takes.

I’ve also been working on painting a set of tiles for Settlers of Catan. Here’s a sneak at the work in progress.

catan tile peek

I’m trying really hard to remember to take photos as I go with my phone…there will definitely be more to come.

I haven’t forgotten about art journalling either…

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

You can see the entire post here.

That’s it for today! Time to go shovel. This time I’m determined not to fall. Yikes! My knee is still slightly off colored and that was 2 weeks ago. At least my brain didn’t get scrabbled as well…although I did see stars. ? ? ?

What are you doing today?

My focus as of late has shifted from art journals and papercraft to 3D items such as button stack pendants and of course, all the 3D printed goodies that just keep on coming.  As much as this variety feeds my art ADD, I find myself missing paper and mixed-media.  I start to second guess myself…will I still be able to create? What if I fall out of practice? Self doubt is an evil thing.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

So a few weeks ago I dropped in at one of the bigger libraries in the system and got myself an armload of inspiration.  Nope still didn’t do it for me. My altered books, journals and one off paper crafts sat idle.  I even enlisted Mini-me to help clean and organize our art space. Notice I said our art space. She is taking 2 art classes this trimester. One required and one elective.

After finishing painting a couple 3D printed models, I had extra paint brown and gold on the palette. Not being wasteful I grabbed a journal and wiped it on to a random page. I guess that was all it took. The simple act of doing and not thinking to much about it.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

The page quickly came together.  As I went looking for words I found this series that really spoke to what I felt at that moment.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

 Do you hear or listen to that little voice inside? Is it the evil one or the one that lifts you up? Or do you just try to shut her up with cookies?


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