Tag : art journal

259 posts

After my previous mellow subdued journal page, my inner wild child was kicking and screaming to get out.

 simple machines textural journal page

Bold texture and color makes me so happy.

 simple machines textural journal page

As well as finding words that speak to me in the moment.

After sitting down to create ATC’s for a swap (more on that another time), I was feeling quite inspired. I decided work in my art journal with the current AJJ theme of In my garden in mind. I definitely wasn’t going to limit myself to the theme though.

rose garden journal

Turns out that was the direction I was heading anyway.

After painting on the page with my fingers, I added some more background texture with stamped text to simulate greenery. I fussy cut around one of my rose photographs then went off to find some words.

rose garden journal

I like that I leave you hanging…wondering….”what did she realize?”  I added a bit to line-work with both black and white pens before stamping my date and calling it a day.

Stop by Art Journal Journey and check out all the fun entries for this months theme.

Art Journal Journey

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a your favorite cup and stay a while.

T stands for Tuesday

This summer I’ve been tackling projects and items long overdue on the to-do list. I’m drowning in half finished goals. It’s really beginning to drive me a bit crazy. I start my morning or my 3am bout of insomnia with thoughts of how my day is going to go and then BAM…I get hit with a curve ball or worse yet, am distracted and start another project.  I haven’t even finished a pot of coffee lately, which is totally out of character for me. (Ah ha…just there….see how I worked in a beverage reference) :)

But seriously, the frustration with myself is mounting. Every “not used daily” surface has something in progress all over it and that’s not even mentioning the outdoors. I think I have too many ideas and unfortunately have enough stuff around to get started but either run out of steam, ideas or gumption to continue. I even totally blew up my blog over the weekend and am still working on fixing it. UGH! The blog backup I used definitely didn’t work the way I thought it did….I could not recover what I lost.

I am feeling a bit of accomplishment with both a personal project and a household one.

I completed the cover on my heART journal just yesterday.

heART journal T Tuesday progress edition

Here are the inside pages. The earliest page was from Feb 2014. Good grief…talk about taking a long time to to 6 pages.

heART journal T Tuesday progress edition

Mini-me and I did get her room painted. Here’s an old before and the after side by side.

T Tuesday progress edition

What a difference. She’s had the green and stamped flowers since we moved in 13 years ago. It had just been painted so we just left it as is. Definitely time for a change.

T Tuesday progress edition

We’re slowly going to be replacing the accessories such as the fabric bins in the cubbies. Mini-me had yet to decide what color she wants for her accent color.

T Tuesday progress edition

It’s definitely more sophisticated already. Agh…my baby is growing up!

So today…I’m going to try my best to finish a thing or two I’ve started. Wish me luck!

What are you doing today?

Inspiration has finally taken a hold of me. I’m feeling creative. Feeling the need to express myself or at the very least put paint to paper.

often chaotic art journal page

Without knowing the direction I was heading I just grabbed the colors that spoke to me and used my fingers to apply them to the last page in my heART journal. Truth be told, I was covering a seriously hideous background I created quite some time ago. After much rumination on options to save it I realized covering over was the best option.

often chaotic art journal page

Next I used washi tape to add interest but I wasn’t done. I have a stash of rub-ons that never seem to work when I want them to be perfect so I’ve taken to using them in backgrounds. That way when the image messes up…it’s perfect. Messy is the look I was going for with these.

often chaotic art journal page

Then all of a sudden the words hit me. The page was chaotic yet interesting…just like our journey through life.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey again for the theme Journeys picked by Erika aka BioArtGal.

Art Journal Journey

I’m finally picking up my art supplies again. I’ve been occupied with so many other things lately that I almost forgot that I had art supplies.


Each month I put a sticky note on my computer monitor with the current Art Journal Journey theme and more often than not lately that note hits the trash without ever getting more than a passing glance each day. Today I made a point of making art.

Not wanting to wait for paint to dry prompted me to use gelatos to create a background. Since there happened to be a ewe and her lamb on the page I decided that a road through a pasture was appropriate.

Take the scenic route art journal page using gelatos

I did a quick scribble drawing of the road and used several shade of green for the pasture. I blended with a baby wipe. I used a portion of a rubber stamp for the trees…without them the page was super boring. Pitt pens and craft paint was layered over the trees to add a touch of realism. Once I added the shadows at the base of the trees and the sheep I was satisfied with my quick journal page and actually checked a challenge off my list for a change.

I’m not saying this is my first and last for this Art Journal Journey challenge theme of journeys but it could be.

Art Journal Journey

After completing the cover on my last art journal, I had some scraps of stamped tissue paper laying around. I layered the lovely brown tissue on the pages. This gave my background instant texture and an even more aged feel than the original pages already have.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

I really enjoy this color combo. It’s bold yet not something that makes you search for your sunglasses.

It didn’t occur to me until just now that this journal entry is very similar to a small canvas creation that adorns my livingroom.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

Someone is very curious about mom’s camera…

Halle's Hobbies

As I was saying…before my ADD had me running up to take a photo of the livingroom wall…this color combo is obviously something I like a lot. The complementary colors work so well and the black and white accents give a nice pop.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

For lack of a better idea for the name of this journal I opted to use the name of the book.

Fear of Flying | Halle's Hobbies

Especially since the title shows through the stamped tissue paper I used to cover it.

This journal was the first one that I started with the intention of it being an art journal. My original thoughts were that I would create some pages then journal on them at a later time. Of course how I actually used this changed over time.

Fear of Flying | Halle's Hobbies

There is everything from challenges to me just trying to work through something to experiments with new products and techniques as well as just playing around being creative.


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