Tag : mixed-media

90 posts

I really wanted to do another lesson for the AB101 class I took online. It was over long ago but I have yet to finish. Of course my muse didn’t cooperate with me today and this is the spread that came out. It incorporated NONE, ZIP, ZERO of the lessons..oh well. I never was much of a rule follower.

I decided to only glue down one side of each butterfly so they’d have a dimensional quality. Hopefully they’ll still pop up after being smashed in the book over time.

I created this for my mother-in-law for a Mother’s Day and birthday gift. They have been so helpful with taking the kids so often lately while we are dealing with the changes in my folks life.

Once again I’ve recycled an old painting that I wasn’t completely happy with… I just poured the gesso on and started over. I think this is the 4th time I’ve used this same 18×24 canvas.

The lighting isn’t the best for the photo but I wanted to document it before giving it to her.

This is my very favorite photo of my Grandma.

I’ve used it many times in my art. As I age, I see myself reflected in her photo.

I had begun an online altered book class. Why you ask? I thought it would be fun to learn some new techniques and it would also get my creative juices flowing. It also helped that my good friend Elizabeth was teaching the class.

These are photos from my 1st two weeks of homework assignments.

The first was to choose a book and remove pages while leaving a block of pages to cut a niche at the end in the next lesson.

The next was to reinforce the book end pages and cut the niche.

Of course, now I’m two weeks behind on my assignments and virtually all of my stuff is boxed up since my craft zone is covered in boxes of my parents stuff I’m sorting through for them.

Here’s your last chance to comment on my OWOH giveaway post. Comments posted after 11:59 Central Standard Time will not be accepted. I will use a random number generator tomorrow to pick the winner. If I have not heard back from the winner in 2 days or if contact info was not left…I will run the random number generator again.

Good Luck!!!

I was inspired to work in a board book today for something different. I started by gluing down random scraps of text from old books. I then brushed on several colors until I was pleased with the background.

I took out this image of my Grandmother, her sisters and parents to use. Wasn’t sure what the page would become but wanted to use it none the less.

Here are a couple of close ups of each side.

(Click to view larger image)

I am so excited to participate in this worldwide blog giveaway extravaganza. This is the 3rd year of the One World-One Heart campaign, but the first year I have taken part. The purpose of this event is to get people exploring others blogs and make new connections.

On Feb. 12, I will use a random number generator to choose the winner of this 4×4 mixed-media canvas.

You must leave a comment on THIS POST to be included in the giveaway. Please leave your email in the comment. You may want to post it as: blahblah at yaddayadda dot com This way it’s more difficult for robot programs to pull emails for spam.

Be sure to check out the hundreds of other participant blogs from this list. Who knows, you might find someone really interesting and win something too!

I know that at least 2 of my art friends are also participating.


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