Tag : recycling

140 posts

I’ve been all over the place lately when it comes to creativity.
I think I may have Art ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Ok…some might argue that I have ADD in other areas of my life as well but the Art ADD is self-diagnosed.
I blame the other on Motherhood. Children steal you’re ability to keep a clear running thought in your head. :) But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Anyway…these are the things I’ve done in the past week.
I papered our recycling cabinet to match the fridge.
Knitted another dishcloth on the loom

Knitted a cowl on the loom…

Miniature terrain on a recycled CD…
Another terrain piece…
And last night I started another twirly crochet scarf because my elbow was hurting from the repetitive motion of the knitting.
Crochet seems to work my wrist more and doesn’t bother me.

In addition I’ve been washing and ironing my way through a large box of old linens. Deciding what is decent enough to save and use and what I can use in my artwork. Vintage linens and fabric are part of my idea for the Postcard Challenge book.

So, yeah…definitely Art ADD.


I’ve started out the year by working on some more miniature terrain.
Nobody is actually using it for wargames at our house but I love creating it anyway.
Making something out of nothing but leftover bits.



See how this project started out…
Nothing but junk that was saved from the landfill. Yes, I know some of it could have been sent to the recycle center but this was much more satisfying.
Since we’re running out of room to store the terrain that I keep dreaming up..I’m thinking that I’m going to give selling it a try. So, if you know any nerdy people out there…send them my way. :)

One birthday card for a man… using some Citra Solv paper and Basic Grey packaging. The recipient is back in college get his second degree and is taking some very high level math courses. I thought the normal curve table page was fitting.
This canvas is now on it’s third life.
Every time I get tired of it I just spread some gesso over the top and start over. This time I added some modeling paste for texture and then some of my rusted lace fabric. I trimmed down an 8×10 print of digital art.

After working out and running errands this morning, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon putting together all these bottle cap magnets.  I think I’m a little loopy from the glue…need more ventilation in the basement!
You may remember a long time ago I had them strewn across my work surface.
I bagged them up and stuck them away…promptly forgetting they existed.
Well, no more.
They are heading to Texas along with all the other items I’ve been busy creating plus some oldies but goodies.
I still have a list of things I want to make but am running out of time.
I hope I remember to take a picture of everything before sending it off.

After being inspired by The Art Journal Workshop, I started work on the inside pages.
I found the book that I disassembled for the covers at a thrift store quite a while ago. When I got it I hadn’t realized that all the pages were glossy which doesn’t work very well for altering.
I still loved the covers and knew I’d use them
in some way.
The inside pages are recycled cardboard from cereal type boxes. I obsessively save them to use as substrate for so many different projects. The pages are all a uniform height but the width is very random. I felt this might give the journal an interesting look.
So far, I’ve slathered leftover paint from other projects on a few pages and completed one from scraps on my table.

The journalling reads:
Forget the darkness behind you. 
Turn your face towards the sun and bloom.

Quite a while ago, after posting my Travels handmade book, Margaret asked me if I had an postcards from Switzerland for my collection. 
Since I didn’t, we decided to do a little trade of items from our areas. 
Just look at all the fun items she sent!
I’m really looking forward to using the pretty napkins.
And this postcard is an awesome addition to my collection! 
It’s very Scandinavian looking…love that! 
Have I mentioned that I’m 100% Norwegian!?!
Thank you so much Margaret!

I also wanted to share a couple more bottle cap flowers I made the other day.

They are a fun addition to my garden.

I can not take any sort of credit for this box…none at all. Yes, I did technically make it but I used Kimmie’s instructions to create it. 
I decided I needed something to hold notepaper. The kids keep taking my notepads but for some reason they only seem to like blank papers.
Since the end of the school year is rapidly approaching, I’m starting to clear out all those saved papers. Spelling tests, one sided worksheets, junk mail flyers..you get the picture. A seemingly endless supply of paper. I might as well write notes on them before they hit the recycle bin.


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