Tag : journal

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I’m still having a hard time getting back in the groove of making art on a regular basis. I want to but then I sit down to do it and nothing comes. 

I decided I needed to do something different. Something experimental. So I grabbed a book and started slapping down some paint. I added what ever felt right at the moment. I didn’t even wait for the paint to completely dry. I just made art for the sake of doing it, not for what my end result might be.  It was very free and very fun. I’m positive I didn’t spend more than 10 minutes on each one.

I don’t know if I’ll go back and add actual journal entries in these pages or if they are done but who cares right!?!  

I’ve thought about making a book like this for a long time. I wanted to to look time worn.

My first experiment was to put a stack of printer paper into a glass pan and fill it with instant coffee and warm water. I sprinkled grounds between some pages as well. The next day I poured off the water and let it sit. Eventually I began separating the pages. Each one has a unique look and texture. Just what I was looking for.

Some of the pages are slightly torn and darkened. Scrumptious!

For the cover and end pages, I used a suede jacket that had seen better days.

I’d like to do a little more with the cover of the book but for now I’m satisfied.

As soon as I finished Wine 2.0 I just knew it wasn’t going to work for me. We’ve used it a bit anyway since I’d put so much time and effort into the piece.

I’m sure this one is going to work really well for our journal.
It is an old 3-ring binder cookbook with a dozen dividers so we can arrange and rearrange our labels and notes as much as we want.
We even have a “black listed” section for truly awful wines. Ones that under no circumstance do we ever want to have again.

I’ve been playing a bit…no real direction or purpose. Just having fun.

The first item is any ATC. I made this one day when I had inserted my foot way too far down my throat for my comfort.

The other items are in a board book. I think this board book is the closest thing to an art journal that I’ve made so far. Other than this book that I haven’t been able to bring myself to actually journal in yet.

Once again I’ve waited until the final hours to make teacher gifts.

Here are 3 composition books I altered this afternoon.

This has been a work in progress for quite some time now. The first thing I did was rip a bunch of random pages out. Then took a corner rounding punchto each page. I selected pages to paint leaving 1-3 unpainted pages between. My next step was to punch holes for the stitching. The stitching was done mostly while sitting and waiting for my kiddos during their activities.

I learned a new background technique on ABC_alteredbookclub and have completely fallen in love with it. It uses acrylic paint and baking soda. I believe it is a Claudine Hellmuth technique originally. I have asked my friend who presented the tutorial permission to link to it…I know she is busy so I will update ASAP.

UPDATE: Tutorial link

I used this technique for the covers of my Art Journal.

Next I plan to start filling the painted backgrounds with…well I haven’t completely decided… It likely will be what strikes me at the time. I know I won’t be doing the pages in order…just randomly picking what suits my mood or subject best at the time.

This whole project was inpired by Ingrid Dijnkers awesome Art Journals.



This is my hand bound journal made from an old book cover with signatures of watercolor paper backgrounds and cardstock. Each of the 9 signatures is different adding to the very eclectic look of this blank journal. The inside is lined with some store bought handmade paper…if that makes any sense. :)


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