Tag : sewing

149 posts

Happy Tuesday!! Thanks for joining me for another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

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Yesterday I set up my craft sale table to get a handle on what fits and how it should look. I  thought I’d share my wares with you.20141027_7216

This candle will likely look familiar to some as I have used it as my T Tuesday “beverage” in the past. I’ve decided to part with it after all….unless it doesn’t sell, of course. :)


Upcycled t-shirt baby bibs are a new item for me this year. I made a few for a friend who just had a baby and everyone loved them. So I decided it was a great way to upcycle some of those outgrown t-shirts.20141027_7210 20141021_7203

These bottle cap flowers are the 2.0 version of my original design.  Each one is unique…plus I get to use up a bunch of those beads that never seem to get used.table collage marked

I figured I’d just share the rest in a little collage since time is of the essence. I’m heading out to walk in a bit but I’ll be back in a while to visit.

What are you doing today?

I’ve set aside my art journals for the time being and have been pursing other ideas. Upcycling for instance.  T-shirts have been my material of choice. Dog chews and baby bibs are the result. No dogs or babies are in our future…whew…just had to put that out there.20140920_7030

The bottle caps that everyone has been saving for me are sorted for a garden art project.

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I’ve been using the big machinery in the garage to help me out. I love using the power tools. 20140920_7029

I’ve also been turning out stacks and stacks of cards….no surprise there.20140920_7036

Basic utilitarian items have been created as well…I made 2 printer covers from a blackout curtain. The thickness of the backed fabric gave it the perfect amount of stiffness.

How’s that for being random!?!

I was cleaning the closet the other day and came across a seriously old unfinished project. Something I started back in the 1990’s…at first house…when I had a strawberry theme in my kitchen. I considered donating the 6 towels and let them be a project for someone else. I have a hard time “throwing in the towel”…pun intended… on a project once I start. 20140706_5787Way back when I started these I finished one right away and started the embroidery on the second.  My trouble was that the fusible web I used was so darn sticky that I had a heck of a time getting my needle through. Frustration level high!!20140706_5788Machine stitching was my only choice even if it wouldn’t match.  I decided that my dishes really won’t care…so I won’t either.

It never occurred to me that today was St. Patrick’s Day…and that it’s traditional to wear green so one does not get pinched…until about 45 minutes before I had to leave….and I wasn’t even dressed yet.  You see I was subbing at one of our district middle schools today. The one that my oldest is at. I know a bunch of the kids so I thought it would be a good idea to fall into customary green attire for the day. My problem is the fact that I don’t own any green clothes…or at least not weather and work appropriate clothes.

A while back I picked up a knit shirt from Goodwill that I thought I liked. I was wrong. Not flattering…it had to go. Lucky for me, it was laying on the top of the donation box this morning.

I quickly hacked it up into chunks 6 inches wide and ran it through the sewing machine. Out came my brand new infinity scarf ready for St. Patrick’s Day.quick infinity scarfIt doesn’t show really well in the photo but I alternated horizontal and vertical stripes throughout the scarf as well as which side the seem was on…that way no matter what way it was looped it would look intentional.

I’ve been back on a knitting and sewing kick….again.


American Girl Doll hat

coffee cozies

Coffee cozies

I can’t seem to get myself down to my artspace long enough to unearth my table again. Today, since it was pretty warm, I tackled the driveway…I finally found the blacktop under all that compacted snow! I’m going to have some sore shoulders tomorrow!

I promised I’d share the cards I made but first I have to share the card my neighbor made. It wasn’t complete before I left so she emailed me a picture.

***please ignore the misspelled Birthday I typed on the card. Seriously…proof reading some time might do me some good.***

bee_lated birthday

Isn’t that just so darn cute with the honeycomb background and clever play on words. It’s nice to have such crafty friends to give such great ideas.

The following are the cards I made while there. I did add the stitching at home before adhering the kraft paper (grocery bag) down. The sentiments were also added here at home since I forgot to bring them along.

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I’m beginning to feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Every day I get up and its the same thing….freezing cold temps and the kids are home from school.  Today marks the 5th day this month that school has been canceled due to dangerously low temperature and windchill. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they are safe at home but everyone is starting to get a bit stir crazy. I was reminded yesterday that the wind chill scale changed several years ago to sound a little warmer. Yesterday, for instance, we had windchill of -46°F.  On the old scale that would have been -71°F. Brrrr.   If you getting tired of me complaining about the cold, I thought I’d share this article….These 20 U.S. Cities Are Allowed To Complain About The Cold …since we are #1.

Lets all think some warm happy thoughts.

winter bloomsAh that’s better. My Christmas cactus says “screw you winter….I’m going to spread some joy with my blossoms.” Okay, okay…I don’t actually hear it talking to me..thank goodness. Otherwise you’d know how stir crazy we are all getting.

Being indoors has had me crafting a bit.

yo yo yo Sewing more yo-yos in a slighter bigger size. I’m thinking about making a throw pillow cover.

Also working a bit in my journal. Here are a couple of work-in-progress shots.

WIPWIP2Still not sure where I’m heading with it so I just keep adding layers.

round is a shapeAnd what would a T stands for Tuesday post be without a furry feline?! Miss Gracie doing what she does best…well, maybe second best. Hmmm…maybe I should say this is her third favorite activity after eating and sleeping. Speaking of eating..had to share this photo.

what dietGracie fed herself yesterday morning. I couldn’t figure out why she let me sleep so late until I got into the kitchen. A head-size hole chewed into her food bag. Notice that the hole is right next to “weight control formula”. Yeah…guess she’s not in the least bit concerned about being out of shape. ;)

Stay warm and safe everyone!!

LATE EDIT: See I was so addled in the brain I even forgot to include my tea for T stands for Tuesday…good thing Elizabeth isn’t a stickler for rules. :)



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